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Contents Arrays or "numbered variables"Warning: do not scroll past the heading "What is an array?" until you have answered the warm-up questions. Vectors and matricesAs scientists we often deal with vectors of length N with coefficients V1, V2, Vk, etc. Clearly it would be impractical to have to declare N separate variable with names like V1, V2 ... V1000. And it would be completely inflexible: changing the length of our array from 1000 to 2000 would require us to declare 1000 new variables! For this reason C allows us to declare a single compound variable called an array that allows us to directly represent an entire vector and to to use expressions such as Vk to access the element we want. A simple extension of the concept allows us to do the same for matrices. Locations as mathematical expressionsIf we want to have a single compound variable to represent a whole vector of floats or doubles then each value of Vk will need four or eight bytes to store it. It follows that the address of Vk must be a mathematical expression that depends on k. That is, we are moving from machine code that looks like double@constant to machine code that looks like double@(expression) and that expression must depend upon k. The benefit is that rather than have to declare N individual variables to represent a vector of length N (or N-squared for a NxN matrix!) we can declare a single array and access each element with a single loop. Later on we will encounter an extension of this ability needed to enable us to effectively pass arrays to functions. This combination of abilities has many other uses within C and is used whenever we wish to use data that is more complicated than a simple variable (in this case a vector). So we shall use the subject of vectors and matrices to introduce these two concepts: we think of two things we require to be able to program using vectors and show how these new features solve the problem for us. Later on in the course we shall show how these same two abilities can be used to make life easier for us in many other ways. PreparationWarning: do not scroll past the heading "What is an array?" until you have answered the warm-up questions. Warm-up discussion 1: Storing vectorsSuppose we wish to store the elements of a vector as doubles the computer's memory and it turns out the the value of the first element of the vector is stored at location 400.
Warm-up discussion 2: numbering thingsSince arrays are all about numbered variables, let's briefly think about how we number things.
Although intuitively our reaction is usually to number things starting from "1", as these warm-up discussion show, this tends to lead to problems later on. Therefore all modern numbering systems tend to start from zero. For example, the twenty-four clock numbers its hours from 0-23 (not 1-24) and its minutes and seconds from 0-59. We shall return to this a little later in the lesson. What is an array?Hopefully in the above discussion you decided that if the first element of an array of doubles is stored at address 400 then the logical place to store the second element was at location 408! An array is a series of objects of the same type stored sequentially in the computer's memory. Arrays are used where we have a set of things of the same type and we need to access each element by number, not by name. Example: an array of floatsFor example, if we have an array of floats called
farray, let us suppose the compiler has chosen to
store its first element, farray[0] at byte 640. Then
farray[1] will be stored at byte 644, farray[2]
will be stored at byte 648, etc: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte: | 640 | 641 | 642 | 643 | 644 | 645 | 646 | 647 | 648 | 649 | 650 | 651 | etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stores: | <---- farray[0] ----> | <---- farray[1] ----> | <---- farray[2] ----> | etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: we shall see below that farray[0] is the notation for the first element of farray. Notice how we number the array from zero, not one. In our "float@" notation we say the the compiler translates farray[j] into the machine-code float@(640+4*j). It's actually even simpler than thatIt would be quite complicated for the computer's processor to directly support expressions of the form float@(expression) so as always with computers it does something much simpler: computers just allow float@value_of_temporary_variable as well as float@constant. It's up to the compiler to generate the value of this temporary variable so an expression such as farray[j] = 7.1; might get compiled into the two-stage command: tmp_address = 640+4*j; float@tmp_address = 7; (We shall see later that the variable does not even have to be temporary: we can create one ourselves if it would be useful to us.) We can make arrays of anythingWe can make arrays of anything we like, such as arrays of ints, arrays of doubles, arrays of double complexes etc. As we shall see below we can even make arrays of arrays! (Otherwise known as two-dimensional arrays.) Anything we can have one of we can have an array of. All arrays have both a type and a length. What this gains usBefore seeing the (very simple) mechanics of creating and using arrays it's worth reminding ourselves of the benefits of moving from expressions of the form double@constant to double@(expression) or float@value_of_variable.
Why we need to use expressions as memory addresses.
Declaring and using a one-dimensional arrayThe obvious, although not the only, way to create an array is simply to declare it in the same way we would declare an ordinary variable. C uses square brackets [] to designate the number in an array, both when declaring it and when accessing the individual elements. Example: declaration and simple assignmentThe following code sets up an array of three doubles and then sets the value of its elements. #include <stdio.h> int main() { double sides[3]; // Declare the array "sides" sides[0] = 5.2; sides[1] = 3.1; sides[2] = 4.6; // ... Do something interesting return 0; } The first statement ("double sides[3];") reserves enough space to store three values, in this case doubles. Arrays can have any type: int, long, etc. We have given the array the name sides, which suggests we are dealing with a triangle. The following lines set the values of the three individual elements. The number inside the [] is referred to as that element's index and can be any integer expression, not just a constant.
The first element of the array has index zero, the last has index N-1As can be seen above, C numbers its arrays from zero. Although intuitively our reaction is usually to number things starting from "1", as the warm-up discussion shows, it tends to lead to problems later on. Therefore all modern numbering systems tend to start from zero. For example, the twenty-four clock numbers its hours from 0-23 (not 1-24) and its minutes and seconds from 0-59. If we have an array of size N and the first element has index zero then the last element must have index N-1, not N!. The classic array errorBe sure to remember this one! double sides[3]; sides[3] = 1.7; /* WRONG ! */ This is a particularly nasty bug which C does not check for. Trying to access the N+1th value of an array of size N is like standing three steps away from a cliff-top and taking four steps forward. (We shall see another example of this below.) The elements of an array of size N are array[0] to array[N-1] inclusive. Using scanf()We can use scanf() to read in sides[0] and sides[1] just like a variable (see the complete example): scanf("%lg %lg", &sides[0], &sides[1]);
Array initialisationArrays can have their values initialised at the point of declaration to make it more difficult to forget to miss one out. This is done using { ... } : double sides[3] = { 5.2, 3.1, 4.6 }; We have already seen { ... } used to group several statements together, here they are used to group several initialisers together. Arrays can be inialised on declaration by putting
the values inside { } Two convenient array initialisation short cutsAutomatic array sizingIf we miss out the array size the compiler infers the array size from the number of initialisers: double sides[] = { 5.2, 3.1, 4.6 }; The compiler can infer the array size from the number of initialisers. Missing initialisers are treated as zerosConversely, if we provide fewer initialisers than required the rest of the array elements are initialised to zero: int myarray[3] = { 1 }; Here we have shown an array of integers for variety. myarray[0] is initialised to 1, the other two elements to zero (not one!!). This does not apply to uninitialised arrays, only to arrays with fewer initialisers than values. To initialise an array to all zero use: int anotherarray[3] = { 0 }; Missing initialisers are treated as zeros but this does not apply to uninitialised arrays. Looping over an array The for() loop: for(Initialise; Test; Increment)
In the example above the array indices were constants (0, 1 and 2). Whilst this is of course legal, the whole point of using arrays is that we can use indices that are expressions. A common example is looping over all the elements of an array in turn. We can use the " for()" loop to loop over an entire array, in this case to read it in:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int numbers[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
printf("Please enter value %d\n", i);
scanf("%d", &numbers[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j )
printf("Value %d: %d\n", j, numbers[j]);
return 0;
The for(Initialise; Test; Increment) loop can be used to loop over the elements of an array.
Avoid "magic numbers", use symbolic constants instead.Remember: we don't give ourselves the opportunity to go wrong! In this code the size of the array (10) is hard-coded in two different places. This is sometimes referred to as a "magic number": it's just there and we have no idea why. If we were to change the size of the array to 12 we would have to change the limits of our loops to 12 as well. Worse, there may be other occurrences of the number 10 that we don't have to change, as they have the value 10 for a different reason. And if we see the number "20" we will need to ask if it should now have the value "24". The following # (preprocessor) line allows us to give a name to a constant:
#define VALUES 10
We shall expect you to always use symbolic constants for array dimensions, except for applications where it is logically impossible to change the array size, for example when dealing with a triangle. NB: #define can be used for non-numerical constants as well. Use #define to avoid "magic constants". Example#include <stdio.h> #define NSTARS 10 void loopdemo2(void) { double mass[NSTARS]; for (int star = 0; star < NSTARS; ++star ) { printf("Please enter mass of star %d\n", star); scanf("%lg", &mass[star]); } // ... Do something interesting }
Getting it wrongIt's particularly helpful to see what happens when we gets the loop wrong, both because it's important that we don't do it and because it cements our understanding of how memory works. In the following example we have accidentally looped from 1 to N rather than 0 to N-1. (For speed and simplicity we have just made N equal to 2): /* * Demonstrate an error looping over an array */ #define N 2 #include <stdio.h> int main() { // It is likely, although not certain, that the compiler // will choose to store a, vec and b next to each other. float a = 0, vec[N], b = 0; // Initialise all the elements of vec to 1000 for (int j = 1; j <= N; ++j) // Ooops! vec[j] = 1000; printf("a: %g b:%g\n", a, b); return 0; }
Run-time array sizesThe original version of the C language required the dimensions of an array to be constants, defined when the program was written but this restriction has now been relaxed. It is occasionally useful to be able to write: #include <stdio.h> void myfun(int n) { int x[n]; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) scanf("%d", &x[i]); ... } int main() { myfun(2); myfun(6); ... return 0; } How arrays workC being C, it doesn't treat the translation v[j] => double@(address_of_v + 8*j) as a special one-off but provides two simple rules for first finding the start of the array, and second going along it and finding what is there. These rules are particularly useful when we want to pass arrays to functions. Rule 1: In an expression C treats the name of an array as meaning the address of its first elementExpressions have both a value and a type. When (the of the name of) an array of Things is used in an expression it is replaced by the address of its first element, and its type is the address of a Thing (or "pointer to a Thing") and is a constant.The type is used both for traversing the array and for working out what to do when it gets there. In the above example we had an array called farray stored starting at location 640. We repeat the memory example here: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte: | 640 | 641 | 642 | 643 | 644 | 645 | 646 | 647 | 648 | 649 | 650 | 651 | etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stores: | <---- farray[0] ----> | <---- farray[1] ----> | <---- farray[2] ----> | etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here farray is a constant and has the value "640" and type "address of a float". We can even print out the value of farray using the "%p" format used for addresses. The name of an array is a shorthand for the address of its first element (in both value and type). Another way to say this is that: If x is an array then any occurence of x on its own just means &x[0]. In theory it is possible to write &farray which has the same value as farray but has the type "address of an array of N floats" not "address of an float". The compiler will warn you if you do this by mistake. (This is possible because the & operator is one of only two operators which does not evaluate the the object it operates on and is used internally by the compiler when receiving the address of a multi-dimensional array into a function, to allow the compiler to generate the correct code to traverse the array.) Example: passing the name of an array to a functionEasily the most common example of this is when we wish to pass an array to a function so it is important to remember that: myfunction(arrayname); is exactly the same as: myfunction(&arrayname[0]); Kernighan and Ritchie wrote the book ("K&R") that first defined the C language. When an array name is passed to a function, what is passed is the location of the beginning of the array. [Kernighan and Ritchie: The C Programming Language]One import consequence of this is that since the above function calls only tell the function where the array starts but now where it ends we nearly always want to write: myfunction(arrayname, n); where n is the length of the array. Arrays are implemented in software, by the compilerThe fact that the name of the array x means nothing more than &x[0] is rather surprising, and to be honest disappointing. We might have hoped that x would be some high-level construct containing information concerning not only where x was being stored but also its type, dimensions etc. and to implement some protected area of memory for its data and to warn us if we try to step outside of that area. The reason for this is simple: the vast majority of computers have no hardware support for arrays, the only support they have is to use the values of expressions as addresses. Arrays are therefore implemented entirely in software and it is up to the programmer and the compiler to keep track of an array's dimensions and to calculate the correct memory address for a given element of a vector or matrix. Rule 2: If a is the address of a Thing then a[k] means "the Thing whose address is (a + k * the number of bytes needed to store a Thing)"If a is the address of a Thing then a[k] means "the Thing whose address is (a + k * the size of a Thing)". This combination of these two rules is what makes the "ar[n]" syntax work: if ar is an array of ints then the construct "ar[n]" is just a synonym for "go to location ar and move along by n times the size of an int and see what's there". One result of this is that unlike some more specialised languages, C has no way of referring to an entire array (only its type and the address of its first element) and does not allow whole-array operations: int myarray[N], yourarray[N]; ... yourarray = myarray; // Wrong! for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) // Correct yourarray[i] = myarray[i]; The array type is used:
The address[index] notation is specifically
designed for use with arrays as it provides a simple way to
say "go to this address, move along by this much and see
what's there" (eg double@(address + 8*i)).
We shall see in the next lesson an simpler
notation for the situation where we just want to say "go to
this address and see what's there", (eg double@address
rather than
double@(address + 0*i). After an array has been declared the only thing the compiler knows is the address and type of its first element. We shall see below that the key point about this rule is that it does not just apply to arrayname[j], it can be variablename[j]. This is a big change because the name of an array is a constant so arrayname[j] can only ever act on that one specific array. But provided we set arrayname to the correct value then it can act on whatever array as we like. No array bound checkingThere is no array bound checking, we are responsible for this ourselves. Stepping over the edge of the cliffThe above rules have the disconcerting property that the compiler can follow the rules without needing to know the length of the array! In fact for a one-dimensional array the declaration is the only place the array size is used. The instructions generated by "ar[k]" are entirely independent of the length of the array and it is our responsibility not to go over the edge. We have already seen how going one too far over the end of an array changes the value of whatever was stored after it. We may sometimes do soemthing even worse and have an index that is not just one too many but entirely random. This will most likely result in one of two things:
Exactly the same will happen if we pass the wrong address to scanf(), or we try to access a file we have opened with fopen() that we have not checked for being NULL. If we go a bit over the end of an array we will change the values of random variables, if we go a lot over the end we are likely to crash the entire program. SIGSEGV or randomly-changing variables are likely to be due to going over the end of an array, bad arguments to scanf() or failing to check for failed calls to fopen(). The name of an array is a shorthand for the address of its first element (in both value and type). Functions that operate on arraysExample: normalising a vector
Expression |
Type |
Meaning | Start of array | Use |
a[i] | a is an array (constant) | float@(200+4*i) | Fixed (location 200) | Can only process the array a
inside the function in which a is declared
p[i] | p is a variable | float@(p+4*i) | Whatever we want (the value of p) | Can process any array
declared inside any function provided we set
the value of p to the address of its first element |
(Note, for simplicity we have not further expanded the variable values.)
If the first time we set p to be the address of a[0], the second to the address of b[0] and the third to the address of c[0] then the one function can be used to normalise all three arrays.
The full program is:
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define NA 2 #define NB 3 #define NC 4 void normalise(float p[], int n); int main() { float a[NA] = {2.7, 5.3}; float b[NB] = {5.8, 2.9, 3.0}; float c[NC] = {-9.6, 1.4, 13.9, 6.41}; normalise(a, NA); normalise(b, NB); normalise(c, NC); // More stuff here.. return 0; } // Normalise a vector (an array) of length n void normalise(float p[], int n) { float norm = 0; int i; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) norm += p[i]*p[i]; norm = sqrt(norm); if ( norm > 0) { for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) p[i] /= norm; } }
void functionName(double someName[], ...
Inside your function:
someName[j] = ...
We have seen here how the idea of a pointer has given us
tremendous flexibility: it allows us to write a function
that can act on any array declared inside any function and
for that function then be called multiple times, possibly on
ddifferent arrays each time. We shall make more use of this
flexibility in later lectures:
Specific requirement: | To enable a function to access an array declared inside another function. | |
Solution: | A variable called a pointer whose value is the address of another variable (in this case the address of the first element of the array) | |
Wider application: |
And, as in this case, usually both. |
Multi-dimensional arrays are simple and straightforward and fit in well with our commonly-used ideas of matrices and "more than one vector".
Suppose we wish to store the elements of a two-dimensional 4x10 square matrix of floats, that is four rows of ten values, and that the first row starts at location 1000.
When solving simultaneous equations it's common to have a set of vectors Ej with Ejk referring to the kth component of jth vector. Furthermore it's also then common to think of E as a matrix in its own right ("the matrix formed by the vectors Ej").
C's ability to make an "array of anythings" makes this very natural and easy. We just define an "array of arrays". Imagine we have a matrix formed from individual vectors and the algorithm first requires each vector to be normalised. We might write:
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define NX 3 #define NY 2 void normalise(float p[], int n); int main() { int x, y; float coeffs[NX][NY] = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } }; // Normalise the indivdual vectors for (x = 0; x < NX; ++x) normalise(coeffs[x], NY); printf("The matrix is:\n"); for (x = 0; x < NX; ++x) for (y = 0; y < NY; ++y) printf("coeffs[%d][%d] is %g\n", x, y, coeffs[x][y]); return 0; }
(Note that C considers a 3x2 array to be three arrays each of length two.)
We can think of a two-dimensional array either as a matrix, or a collection of vectors, or both.
We can do this as many times as we like. For example is we wanted to store the electric and magnetic fields as an array of length 4 with one field for each point of a three-dimensional grid we could define the four-dimensional array:
double field[NX][NY][NZ][4];
and we could treat field[NX][NY][NZ] as being the one-dimensional array (of size 4) representing the field at that point.
An N+1 dimensional array is just an array of N dimensional arrays (for N > 0).
The storage of multidimensional arrays follows immediately from their definition as "an array of arrays". In the previous example we declared a three by two array of floats called coeffs:
float coeffs[NX][NY]; // NX ==3, NY == 2
The computer will store it as three one-dimensional arrays of
length two, one after the other. If the array
starts at address 800 then the start of
the array storage will be:
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte: | 800 | 801 | 802 | 803 | 804 | 805 | 806 | 807 | 808 | 809 | 810 | 811 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stores: | <-- coeffs[0][0] ---> | <-- coeffs[0][1] ---> | <-- coeffs[1][0] ---> | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
It follows that in the general case, if we were to declare a multiple dimensional array:
For the float array coeffs[M][N];
starting at location 800 the element ar[j][k] will be stored in
800 + 4 * (N*j + k).
A multi-dimensional array is a single chunk of memory and the compiler calculates the address of an array element using the address of the start of the array, the size of each array element and the dimensions of the array (excluding the left-hand dimension).
Note that we never need to know the left-hand dimension to find the address of an element of the array, that just tells us where to stop!
The left-hand dimension of an array is not needed to calculate the address of an array element.
In a later lecture we shall see an even more flexible way of doing this using dynamic memory allocation.
When passing multi-dimensional array to functions we have to tell the function the dimensions of the array (apart from the leading dimension). This isn't a problem if we are using symbolic constants, but if they are dimensioned at run-time we have to pass the dimensions as additional arguments, before the array name in the argument list:
The following is a very simple matrix-multiply function.
// // Multiply two matrices together: A = B x C // void matmul(int nx, int ny, int nz, float a[][ny], float b[][nz], float c[][ny]) { int x, y, z; for (x = 0; x < nx; ++x) { for (y = 0; y < ny; ++y) { a[x][y] = 0.0; for (z = 0; z < nz; ++z) a[x][y] += b[x][z] * c[z][y]; } } }
As always when using arrays, if we were to make a mistake and end up with the function thinking that the dimensions of the array were different from those it was originally declared with, we would be in serious trouble.
If pass an array to another function we also have to tell that function the dimensions of the array, other than the left-most one.
Although we tend to think of vectors and matrices in their mathematical sense with operations such as division, multiplication etc. there is also a more general non-mathematical use of "Thing number 1", "Thing number 2", which use the same underlying mechanism. Indeed modern programs can easily use hundreds of mega-bytes or even gigabytes of memory and only a tiny fraction of that is for named variables with addresses that are constants that are known at compile time. Most data is accessed via machine-code that looks like typename@(expression), just like the vectors described above.
Although we have stessed using arrays as mathematical vectors or matrices, arrays are also used whenever we have several things that can be identified by number. For example an economist with GDP figures from yearMin to yearMax inclusive may declare an array of length (1 + yearMax - yearMin) (note he "1 "!) and store the GDP for a particular year in gdp[year - yearMin].
We shall examine this a little more in the next lesson.
The text of each key point is a link to the place in the web page.
Specific requirement: | To address data by a numerical index (eg a vector of doubles) | |
Solution: | To move from double@constant to double@(expression) | |
Wider application: | Any time we need to be able to access data other than a simple variable declared inside the same function. |
Specific requirement: | To enable a function to access an array declared inside another function. | |
Solution: | A variable called a pointer whose value is the address of another variable (in this case the address of the first element of the array) | |
Wider application: |
And, as in this case, usually both. |