Germanium workshop
(22nd March 2007) |
AIMPRO '06 II Meeting
(12th-13th December 2006) |
Irradiation defects in Germanium
(11th May 2006) |
AIMPRO `06 Meeting
(25th–26th January 2006) |
Defects in Diamond
(2nd February 2005) |
Nitrogen Defects in Silicon
(5th August 2004) |
Lifetime Degradation in Photo-Voltaic Cells
(14th–16th January 2004) |
AIMPRO `03 Meeting
(14th–16th December 2003) |
Exeter Theory Workshop
(8th–9th September 2003) |
The Physics of Group IV Semiconductors
(7th–10th April 2003) |
Defects in silicon meeting
(15th January 2002) |
AIMPRO `01 Meeting
(16th–18th December 2001) |
Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy meeting
(9th April 2001) |
Wide Gap 2001
(21–23 March 2001) |
AIMPRO '01 workshop (and AIMPRO group photo!)
(25–27 January 2001) |
Exeter-Manchester meeting
(June 6th 2000) |
Exeter-King's College meeting
(May 12th 2000) |
ENDEASD meeting | (14–15 April 2000)
UMIST-Reading-Exeter meeting | (10–11 April 2000)
AIMPRO '00 workshop
(19 January 2000) |
AIMPRO `99 workshop | (11–12 November 1999)
Hydrogen '99 workshop
(15–16 April 1999) |
Oxygen '96 workshop
(26–29 March 1996) |