Staff Visits to Study Abroad Host Institutions
The University guidelines for Student
Study Abroad require regular visits by an academic representative of the Department to institutions
hosting 'with Study Abroad' students. To facilitate this, all academic staff planning to make visit to Australia,
North America, New Zealand should inform the appropriate Study Abroad
Co-ordinator who has a budget to cover the associated addtional travel costs. On their return the Department's
representative must supply (to the appropriate Study Abroad Co-ordinator who will
notify Education Committee that it has been received) a written
report of their visit.
Before You Leave
The appropriate Overseas Study Co-ordinator
will brief you on any issues that require particular attention and help arrange
an itinerary for your visit. If you are visiting North America obtain a copy of the current Study Abroad
Brochure from the International Office to give to the Study Abroad Office at the host.
Read the information about Stage 3 of Programmes
with Study Abroad and note the academic level expected of
students going abroad referred to there. Take copies of the relevant module descriptors,
and the agenda below, for reference during your visit.
During your visit please address as many of the issues on
the following agenda as possible, and add others you consider necessary.
If you are unable to meet someone from their Study Abroad Office,
try to discover the information from other sources.
Visits - Suggested Agenda and Checklist
1. Meeting with the Physics Department Contact
1.1 About the Department
| Details / Notes |
Name, email, etc., of contact at host responsible for Exeter students | |
How many physics students graduate each year? | |
What are the main areas of physics research in the Department? | |
Who is responsible for health and safety in the Department? | |
Is there a 'buddy scheme', i.e. students willing to give pre-arrival advice by email and/or act as mentors
for Exeter students? | |
1.2 Meet physics course instructors
Try to establish number of hours of work
(including homework) that the course will involve for the student and whether the
level of their courses higher (H), lower (L) or similar (S) to the following Exeter equivalents:
Exeter Module | Host Module Code(s) | H/S/L | Hours | Notes |
PHY3214 Electromagnetism II | | | | |
PHY3215 Nuclear and High-Energy Particle Physics | | | | |
PHYM211 Advanced Statistical Physics | | | | |
PHYM212 Advanced Quantum Mechanics | | | | |
PHYM213 Advanced Solid State Physics | | | | |
Important: To comply with their programme requirements Exeter students will need to take
courses the cover the sylabus and learning outcomes of at least three of the above modules.
Please also note if:
- an appropriate course is not available
- the assessment methods used won't be familar to Exeter students;
- homework will contribute more than 50% of the final grade;
- a module involves laboratory work
- a detailed syllabus is not readily available.
Note: The recommended texts are a good guide to the level of a module.
1.3 Student workload
| Details / Notes |
What are the host's nomenclature for (a) 'credit' and (b) 'level' of modules? | |
How many 'credits', and at what level, would a full-time local physics student take? | |
What is the normal balance between physics and other subjects? | |
For how many hours per week is a typical physics student expected to work? | |
How many contact hours per week of lectures, etc. are associated with a module? | |
How long are lectures and at what time of day? | |
Further comments, e.g. are there any local conventions regarding office hours, questions, lecture notes, etc.? | |
1.4 Assessment conventions
| Details / Notes |
Is it normal for topics not mentioned in class be examined (e.g. set reading)? | |
What arrangements, if any, are made for referred assessments (e.g. resit examinations)? | |
What arrangements, if any, are made mitigating circumstances? | |
Discuss and confirm the applicability of the grade conversion table in the Exeter Physics Handbook. | |
1.5 Facilities Visit
| Details / Notes |
Laboratories (if applicable) | |
Lecture rooms | |
Library | |
Computing and IT | |
Access to email and the WWW | |
2. Meeting with the Study Abroad Office
2.1 Dates
| Details / Notes |
Is there an orientation week for international students, when is it and what does it comprise? | |
Dates of Semesters/Terms and Vacations? | |
2.2 Typical costs in local currency
| Details / Notes |
Accommodation? | |
Commuting? | |
Is a bicycle/automobile required? | |
How much is an automobile likely to cost to buy and insure? | |
Will students be expected to buy text books? Is there a second-hand market? | |
What is the annual loan required by a typical student? | |
2.3 Accommodation
| Details / Notes |
What accommodation is available, and where is it? | |
Is it furnished? | |
Are rooms shared? | |
Cost? | |
Is a deposit required on arrival, and how much is it? | |
Food provision? | |
Available during vacations? | |
2.4 Legal and Insurance
| Details / Notes |
Does the institution have regulations/guidelines regarding health insurance for international students? | |
Are exchange students required to purchase the institution's health insurance? | |
Does the institution provide information and services to international students
on health and safety and legal issues? | |
Is the campus alcohol-free? What is the state law regarding drinking age? | |
2.5 Miscellaneous
| Details / Notes |
Who organises visas? | |
What workload and assessment is associated with typical non-physics courses taken that might be taken as options? | |
Is it possible for students to undertake paid work? | |
Information about Fraternities/Sorrorities? | |