University of Exeter Handbook (Physics) Questions/Comments Department (Physics)

Tutorial System Co-ordinator

Role Description

  1. To assign students, normally in groups of between three and five students, to academic tutors. Normal criteria for assigning tutees to groups, in priority order are as follows:
    1. Group students by Stage.
    2. Group Stage 3 students taking BSc vs MPhys programmes separately.
    3. Group students on astrophysics programmes together at stages 2 and above and assign to astrophysics specialist.
    4. Group students of similar ability level.
    5. Groups where there is only one male/female student member should be avoided unless the tutor is also male/female respectively.
    6. Students should not have the same tutor in two different stages.
  2. Arrange for SITS to be updated and for lists of tutors and tutees to be circulated as needed.
  3. Deal with reports and problems.
  4. Arrange distribution and collection of report forms for each student which must be passed to the appropriate Student Co-ordinator for review.
  5. Monitor effectiveness of tutorial system reporting systematic problems to the Director of Education.

Important Dates

SeptemberGroup students and assign tutors. Keep SITS updated with changes.
Monday of Week 0Circulate lists to Stage Coordinators and Tutors.
Start of each semesterRecord sheets distributed to tutors
Term 1 week 7Issue and collect tutorial reports for Stage Coordinator from all tutors.
Term 2 week 4Issue and collect tutorial reports for Stage Coordinator from all tutors.

Links Within School

External Links

University of Exeter Handbook (Physics) Questions/Comments Department (Physics)