University of Exeter

Trigonal: S6 (-3) - Products

Exeter Symmetry Pages

Irreducible Representation Products:

product Ag Eg Au Eu
Ag Ag Eg Au Eu
Eg Eg 2Ag+Eg Au 2Au+Eu
Au Au Eu Ag Eg
Eu Au 2Au+Eu Eg 2Ag+Eg

Dipole Transition Products:

For the S6 point group, the irreducible representation of the dipole operator is Au+Eu. Transitions that are dipole forbidden are indicated by parentheses.

product(Au+Eu)product Ag Eg Au Eu
Ag (Au+Eu) (2Au+2Eu) Ag+Eg 2Ag+2Eg
Eg (Au+Eu) (4Au+4Eu) Ag+Eg 4Ag+4Eg
Au Ag+Eg 2Ag+2Eg (Au+Eu) (2Au+2Eu)
Eu Ag+Eg 4Ag+4Eg (Au+Eu) (4Au+4Eu)