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Oxygen '96

Early Stages of Oxygen Precipitation in Silicon


B. A. Andreev (a), V. V. Emtsev (b), A. Misiuk (c) and K. Schmalz (d)

(a) Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances, Russian Academy of Sciences, 49 Tropinin St., GSP-445, Nizhnyi Novgorod, 603600 Russia
(b) Ioffe Physicotechnical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194021 St. Petersburg, Russia
(c) Institute of Electron Technology, S8 A1. Lotników 32/46, 02-668 Warsaw, Poland
(d) Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Walter-Korsing-Str. 2, D-15230 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

Keywords: oxygen, silicon, thermal donors, hydrostatic pressure

Formation processes of thermal donors in Czochralski grown silicon, especially those formed at 400-500 degrees C, have been studied in considerable detail. However, their nature and atomic structure are still a matter of controversy. Additional experimental information is required to gain a deep insight into this problem.

Among various factors having a strong effect on the formation of thermal donors (heat treatment regimes, atmospheres, impurities etc), our knowledge of the impact of mechanical stress is scanty. Wang and Corbett [1] made an attempt to introduce mechanical stress up to 2 MPa by bending of samples heat-treated at 450 degrees C. The induced stress exerts reportedly a remarkable effect on the formation of Thermal Double Donors (TDD) and the total concentration of thermal donors was twice as large as in the sample without stress.

In the present work we discuss in some detail the influence of mechanical stress on the formation of thermal donors. High-purity Cz-Si samples were subjected to hydrostatic pressure of 3 MPa and 1.07 GPa during heat treatment at 450 and 600 degrees C. The duration of heat treatment was 10 h for all samples studied in order to draw a comparison between them and the data of [1].

Some important results obtained be means of electrical and optical measurements are as follows:

Heat treatment of Cz-Si at 450 degrees C under a pressure of 3 MPa leads to a similar increase in the total concentration of thermal donors as it was observed in [1]. Increasing pressure results in the concentration of TD that is by an order-of-magnitude higher than in a reference sample (without stress). However, it was found that the conductivity in both cases cannot be a measure of the TDD concentration (as it was believed in [1]) since the formation of TDD is strongly suppressed. Instead, donor states deeper than Ec-0.1 eV make their appearance. Another interesting feature of heat treatment at 450 degrees C under high pressure is that one can observe the formation of shallow thermal donors at ~Ec-30 meV even for t = 10 h instead of t > 100 h for samples without stress.

The formation process of New Donors at 600 degrees C under stress also differs considerably from those in the reference material. To cite an example, the latent period of their formation is only a few hours, whereas without stress it is necessary to anneal samples for t > 20 h until New Donors appear.

Different factors which may contribute to the effect of stress (changes in the oxygen diffusivity, generation of stress-induced defects etc) are discussed.

[1] P. W. Wang and J. W. Corbett, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 59, Ed. J. C. Mikkelsen Jr, S. J. Pearton, J. W. Corbett, and S. J. Pennycook, MRS Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1986 pp. 167-172.

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Last modified: Mon Feb 19 17:19:05 GMT 1996 JG

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