Programme Specification ((none) Intake)

1. Awarding institution:


2. Department(s)/teaching institution:


3. Programme accredited/validated by:


4. Final award(s):


5. Programme title:

(none) (none)

6. Programme code:


7. FHEQ Level of Final Award


8. QAA subject benchmarking group:


9. Date of production/revision:


This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if they take full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.

More detailed information about the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods are published in the School Handbook, and each module code below is linked to its detailed description.

10. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards


The programme is divided into units of study called modules. The credit rating of a module is proportional to the total workload. 1 credit is nominally equivalent to 10 hours of work. The 'level' of a module indicates its position in the progressive development of academic cognitive abilities, and/or practical skills. An 'elective' is an unspecified module that allows the student to broaden their education, e.g. by learning a foreign language. More details are given in the published module descriptors.

The following tables describe the programme planned for delivery to students commencing Stage 1 in the academic year (none). Some modules will be updated or replaced in future years as a consequence of normal programme development activity, and staff rotation.

11. Educational aims of the programme

This programme is intended to:

The *** INVALID VALUE FOR 'AREA' *** intends to provide students taking this programme with:

12. Programme outcomes

On successful completion of this programme, it is intended that the student should be able to demonstrate:

  1. Subject knowledge and skills
  2. Core academic skills
  3. Personal and key skills

Reference points used to construct this specification:

13. Teaching, learning and assessment methods


  1. Subject knowledge and skills
  2. Core academic skills
  3. Personal and key skills

Assessment methods:

  1. Subject knowledge and skills
  2. Core academic skills
  3. Personal and key skills

14. Support for students and students' learning

The University Library maintains its principal collections in the main library buildings on the Streatham and St Luke's campuses, together with a large library at Camborne School of Mines and a number of specialist collections in certain Schools. The total Library collection comprises over a million volumes and 3000 current periodical subscriptions.

Information Technology (IT) Services provide a wide range of services throughout the University including open access computer rooms, some of which are available 24 hours, 7 days a week. Helpdesks are maintained on the Streatham, St Luke's and CSM campuses, while most study bedrooms in halls and flats are linked via RESNET to the University's campus network. Additionally, Physics has its own dedicated facilities.

The University provides a wide range of student support services including:

The University Careers Advisory Service provides expert advice to all students to enable them to plan their futures, through guidance interviews, psychometric testing, employer presentations, skills events, practice job interviews and CV preparation.

Teaching staff can be easily contacted by e-mail, telephone, letter, or in person.

Further information about the above services is published on the WWW.

The Department provides:

15. Admissions criteria

Candidates must satisfy the general admissions requirements of the University.

The normal minimum entry qualifications required for this programme are equivalent to (none). Offers of places typically require (none). The School has an Equal Opportunities Policy and welcomes applications from students with other types of qualifications or prior learning experience (for example, an Access to Science course). For more information, refer to the detailed entrance requirements for Physics and Astronomy, which are published on the Physics Entry Data page of the University of Exeter Undergraduate Prospectus, or contact the Admissions Tutor.

16. Regulation of assessment and academic standards

Each academic programme in the University is subject to an agreed School Assessment Marking Strategy, underpinned by institution-wide assessment procedures. The security of assessment and academic standards is further supported through the external examiners appointed for each programme. Their responsibilities are described in the University's Code of Good Practice for External Examiners and include access to draft papers, course work and examination scripts. Attendance at the Board of Examiners and the provision of an annual report are both required. Clear procedures are also in place for the monitoring of these annual reports at both School and University level. See the University's Teaching Quality Assurance (TQA) Manual for details of these processes.

School assessment marking strategy is published in the School Handbook. The Handbook also publishes the rules governing degree awards and classification for this programme. Briefly, an Honours Degree is awarded to students who have passed all modules and it is classified based on a weighted average of marks, as follows:

Class I 70% +
Class II, Division I60-69%
Class II, Division II50-59%
Class III40-49%

17. Indicators of quality and standards

The University and its constituent Schools draw on a range of data in their regular review of the quality of provision. The annually produced Performance Indicator Dataset details admission, progression, completion and first career destination data, including comparisons over a five-year timespan.

Progression statistics are included in routine internal monitoring and review processes (see 18 below).

The School of Physics was subject to Subject Review by the Quality Assurance Agency in 1999, when the educational provision was graded as excellent with a score of 22/24 points. QAA reports are published on the QAA website.

Research activity in Physics and Astronomy was classified as 5A by the RAE 2001 exercise.

18. Methods for evaluating and improving quality and standards

The University has procedures in place for the regular review of its educational provision, including the annual review of both modules and programmes which draw on feedback from such sources as external examiners' reports, student evaluation, student achievement and progression data, and the staff peer appraisal scheme. In addition, subject areas are reviewed every three years through a subject and programme quality review scheme that includes external input. These procedures are recorded in codes of practice contained in the TQA Manual.

Certain programmes are also subject to review and/or accreditation by professional and statutory bodies, while nearly all subject areas are reviewed from time to time by the national Quality Assurance Agency for HE; see the QAA web site for review reports on subjects at Exeter. See section 17 for details of recent outcomes applicable to this programme.

See also: Other programme specifications.