University of Exeter Handbook (Physics) Questions/Comments Department (Physics)

Use of Calculators in Examinations and Tests

Students are allowed to use an approved straightforward non-programmable scientific calculator in the examinations and assessed tests set by the Department. Calculators on the 'approved' list below should be taken to the Education Support Office in the Physics Building during the normal opening hours to have a special tamper-proof label stuck to the case.

Candidates must not bring into an examination or assessed test any calculator that is not marked and listed as approved.

Calculator models on this list are widely available, inexpensive and approved for use where permitted by the rubric in examinations and tests set by Physics:

CasioFX-83{ES, GTplus or GTX} or FX-85{ES, GTplus or GTX}
SharpWriteview EL-W531
Hewlett PackardHP10S or HP300S

List of Models with Grandfathered Approval

The following calculators were approved in previous years but are now deprecated. They may still be used in exams by stage 4 students in 2019/20 providing the sticker is intact.

CanonF-715S, F-718SGA
CasioFX-31, FX-82{AU,AU PLUS,ES,L,LB,MS,SX,SUP,super,TL-A}, FX-85, FX-85{B,MS,N,S,SA,V,VH,WA}, FX-92, FX-95, FX-100{D,W}, FX-115{D,M,S,W}, FX-250HA, FX-300ESplus, FX-350{ES,MS,WA}, FX-570{C,CD,D,S,W}, FX-991{s,WA}, FX-922{S,V}, FX-992S
LogikLK-183, LK-830
SharpEL-506R, EL-509W, EL-520{G,L,R,V,W}, EL-521, EL-530V, EL-546L, EL-556G
TexasTI-30{eco RS,IIS,stat,X,XIIB,XIIS,XS}, TI-34II, TI-35plus, TI-36X
Hewlett PackardHP6S
MorrisonsScientific model
W H Smith/TexetAlbert{2,3,4,5}, FX900, FX1000, FX2000

List of Rejected Calculator Models

Some of the calculators that have been considered and rejected under the above guidelines are as follows:

MakerModelFeatures that caused rejection
CanonF-700Programmable, solves linear equations
CasioFX-85WFormula memories
CasioFX100MSEquations (polynomial, simultaneous,symbols, etc.)
CasioFX115MSEquations (polynomial, simultaneous, etc.)
CasioFX570{ES,ES+,MS}Matrix/vector operations, equations (polynomial, simultaneous, etc.)
CasioFX991{ES,ES+,MS}Matrix/vector operations, equations (polynomial, simultaneous, etc.)
CasioFX991{EX}Matrix/vector operations, spreadsheet facilities, integration, differentiation, etc.)
CasioCasio FX-50FProgrammable, formulae
CasioCasio FX-3650PProgrammable
CasioFX-7400GGraphical, programmable, etc.
CasioGraph 30Graphical, programmable, etc.
CitizenSRP-265Programmable, unit conversions.
SharpEL-506VFormula memories; Algebraic substitution
SharpEL-506WFormula memories; Physical Constants; Non-linear regression; Matrix functions
SharpEL-546WFormula memories; Physical Constants; Non-linear regression; Matrix functions
TexasTI-30X PROUnit conversions, numerical calculus, etc.
TexasTI-82{STATS}Graphical, programmable, etc.
TexasTI-83plusGraphical, programmable, etc.
TexasTI-84plusGraphical, programmable, etc.

See also: Taking Examinations and Tests

University of Exeter Handbook (Physics) Questions/Comments Department (Physics)