PAM3005 Practice Placement 3 2014-15
Ms D.J. Riches and Hospital Staff
Delivery Weeks: SA3-T1:11 (18 weeks) and T3:03-06
Level: 6 (NQF)
Credits: 35 NICATS / 17.5 ECTS
Enrolment: 46 students (approx)


During this third, and final, placement students will become an integral member of the multi-professional healthcare team: competent to deal with a full range of patients using a wide range of modalities. They will have responsibility for organising their working day and liaising with staff in other departments, and will gain experience of managing an inter-professional team.

Module Aims

This module pre-dates the current template; refer to the description above and the following ILO sections.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

A student who has passed this module should be able to:

Syllabus Plan

Refer to the Handbook section Radiography Placement Documents and Forms for detailed aims and objectives for each placement area. The time spent on each placement area is shown in square brackets.

  1. Pre-clinical Preparation
    1. Mandatory trainining in compliance with SHA requirements, including:
      1. Manual handling training.
      2. Fire training.
      3. Mental Capacity Act 2005.
      4. Interprofessional healthcare delivery.
      5. Infection control.
      6. Radiation Protection.
      7. Note: Intermediate life support training is covered in PAM3013.
  2. General and / or A&E Room [5-6 weeks]
    1. Standard positioning and departmental protocols.
    2. Assessment of radiographs, modification of exposure factors and technique.
    3. Identify normal, normal-variant anatomy and pathology and participate in red-dot schemes where appropriate
    4. Identify the need for additional views and modification of technique in trauma.
    5. Perform radiographs on a full range of patient types, including paediatrics, elderly, infirm and trauma patients.
    6. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
  3. Fluoroscopy Room [2 weeks]
    1. Use of barium as a contrast agent.
    2. Standard positioning and departmental protocols for barium studies.
    3. Assessment of radiographs, modification of exposure factors and technique.
    4. Identify normal, normal-variant anatomy and pathology.
    5. Identify the need for additional views.
    6. Develop involvement, increasing your role as a student radiographer
    7. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
  4. Mobiles and Theatres [3 weeks]
    1. Standard positioning and departmental protocols.
    2. Assessment of radiographs, modification of exposure factors and technique.
    3. Identification of normal, normal-variant anatomy and pathology.
    4. Radiation protection in wards and in theatre.
    5. The principles of a sterile environment.
    6. Develop your role so you are leading the interaction with ward- and theatre-staff and the imaging of the patient
    7. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
  5. Interventional Room [0.5 week]
    1. Observe a range of interventional procedures, including cardiac, neurological and angiographic examinations and procedures
    2. Use of contrast media
    3. Participate as a member of the inter-professional team.
    4. Identification of normal, normal-variant anatomy and pathology.
    5. Identification of interventional treatment techniques
    6. Radiation protection in a high-dose environment
    7. The principles of a sterile environment and infection control.
    8. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
  6. Computed Tomography [2 weeks]
    1. Standard positioning and departmental protocols.
    2. Use of contrast media
    3. Image processing and manipulation
    4. Identify normal, normal-variant cross-sectional anatomy and pathology.
    5. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
  7. Positron Emission Tomography [1-3 days, where possible]
    1. Standard positioning and departmental protocols;
    2. Use of different positron emitters and radiopharmaceuticals for imaging
    3. Image processing and manipulation Identify normal, normal-variant planar and cross-sectional anatomy, physiology and pathology.
    4. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
    5. Awareness of different radiation protection issues associated with the use of positron emitters
  8. DXA [1 day]
    1. Standard positioning and departmental protocols for the measurement of bone density
    2. Image processing and manipulation
    3. Identify normal, normal-variant anatomy and pathology.
    4. Identify artefacts affecting image processing and methods of rectification
    5. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
    6. Awareness of the diagnosis criteria for osteoporosis and the impact of osteoporosis on the workload in an imaging department.
  9. Mammography [1 day, where possible]
    1. Standard positioning and departmental protocols.
    2. Assessment of mammograms, modification of exposure factors and technique.
    3. Identify normal, normal-variant anatomy and pathology.
    4. Identify the need for additional views.
    5. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
  10. Ultrasound [0.5 week]
    1. Standard departmental protocols scanning protocols and techniques for obstetric and non-obstetric ultrasound.
    2. Use of ultrasound equipment to perform measurements of anatomy and pathologies
    3. Identify normal, normal-variant anatomy and pathology.
    4. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to patient care and communication.
  11. Magnetic Resonance Imaging [0.5 week]
    1. Standard positioning and departmental protocols.
    2. Use of contrast media
    3. Image processing and manipulation
    4. Identify normal, normal-variant cross-sectional anatomy and pathology.
    5. Particular attention to the safety issues associated with the use of strong magnetic fields for imaging
    6. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to patient care and communication.
  12. Nuclear Medicine [0.5 week]
    1. Standard positioning and departmental protocols for a range of planar and cross-sectional imaging.
    2. Use of different isotopes and radiopharmaceuticals for imaging
    3. Image processing and manipulation
    4. Identify normal, normal-variant planar and cross-sectional anatomy, physiology and pathology.
    5. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
    6. Awareness of different radiation protection issues associated with open sources of radiation
  13. Out of Hours Shifts
    1. Gain experience in out of hours work by working two nights and five late shifts.
    2. Standard positioning and departmental protocols.
    3. Assessment of radiographs, modification of exposure factors and technique.
    4. Identify the need for additional views and modification of technique in trauma.
    5. Identify normal, normal-variant anatomy and pathology and participate in red-dot schemes where appropriate.
    6. Perform radiographs on a full range of patient types, including paediatrics, elderly, infirm and trauma patients.
    7. Safe and efficient working, with particular attention to radiation protection, patient care and communication.
  14. Elective [4 weeks, split between up to three hospitals]
    Note: only available once all four clinical assessments have been passed. Refer to the Radiography Elective Regulations and Information for Host Departments for further details.
    1. Work within general, A&E, mobiles, theatres and fluoroscopy for 2-3 weeks.
    2. 1-2 weeks within imaging modalities of your choice (must be agreed by imaging department).
    3. Ensure the correct use of departmental protocols.
    4. Participate as a member of the department under radiographer supervision demonstrating safe and efficient working.
    5. Identify and gain additional experience in areas of weakness.

Learning and Teaching

Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Description Study time KIS type
Pre-clinical preparation - mandatory training 17 hours SLT
1-hour Tutorial support prior to placement 1 hours SLT
Placement learning (660 hours working in a hospital) 256 hours PLS
8×2-hour tutorials during placement 16 hours SLT
Reading week 36 hours GIS
Case-based report 24 hours GIS


Weight Form Size When ILOS assessed Feedback
50% Case-based report 2000 words Week T1:09 1-17 Written
10% Clinical - CT head 1 hour As advised 1-14 Written and verbal
10% Clinical - Multiple area 1 hour As advised 1-14 Written and verbal
10% Clinical - Half-day room management session 1 hour As advised 1-14 Written and verbal
10% Clinical - Theatre case 1 hour As advised 1-14 Written and verbal
10% Portfolio and viva voce 15 minutes (viva) Week T2:00 1-21 Written and verbal

Notes: To receive a non-zero mark for this module, students must comply with the attendance requirements specified in the Code of Practice for Clinical Placements and pass every clinical assessment with a mark of at least 40%.


The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of information that students are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Instructor(s).

Core text:

Supplementary texts:


Further Information

Prior Knowledge Requirements

Pre-requisite Modules Practice Placement 2 (PAM2006) and Professional Skills for Radiographers (PAM3015)
Co-requisite Modules none


Re-assessment is not available except when required by referral or deferral.

Original form of assessment Form of re-assessment ILOs re-assessed Time scale for re-assessment
Clinical Clinical (10%) 1-14 Within placement period
Case-based report and viva voce Essay (60%) 1-21 During April clinical recovery period

Notes: See Medical Imaging Assessment Conventions.

KIS Data Summary

Learning activities and teaching methods
SLT - scheduled learning & teaching activities 34 hrs
GIS - guided independent study 60 hrs
PLS - placement/study abroad 256 hrs
Total 350 hrs
Summative assessment
Coursework 60%
Written exams 0%
Practical exams 40%
Total 100%


Availability Programme B821 only
Distance learning NO
Keywords Medical Imaging; Patient; Radiations; Protection; Anatomy; Pathologies; Protocols; Care.
Created 01-Sep-04
Revised N/A