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Publications Knapp K, Welsman J, Rowlands A, MacLeod K. Prolonged disuse osteopenia 14 years post external fixator removal: A case report. Osteoporosis International 2009;20(Suppl4):S311 Welsman J, Knapp K, MacLeod K, Blake G. Obesity increases precision errors in dual energy x-ray absorptiometry measurements. Osteoporosis International 2009;20(Suppl 4):S267-S268 Knapp KM and Green S. The Reporting of Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry Scans by Radiographers. Osteoporosis Review 2009;17(1):22-25 (Invited paper) Knapp KM. Quantitative ultrasound and bone health. Salud Publica Mex. 2009;51 Suppl 1:S18-24. (Invited paper) Moger CJ, Barrett R, Bleuet P, Bradley DA, Ellis RE, Green EM, Knapp KM, Muthuvelu P, Winlove CP. Regional variations of collagen orientation in normal and diseased articular cartilage and subchondral bone determined using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2007 Jun;15(6):682-7. Blake GM, Knapp KM, Spector TD, Fogelman I. Predicting the Risk of Fracture at Any Site in the Skeleton: Are All Bone Mineral Measurement Sites Equally Effective? Calcif Tissue Int. 2006:78:9-17 Blake GM, Knapp KM, Fogelman I. Dual X-ray Absorptiometry: Clinical Evaluation of a new Cone-beam System. Calcif Tissue Int. 2005 Feb:76(2):113-20 Somner J, McLellan S, Cheung J, Mak Y T, Frost M L, Knapp K M, Wierzbicki A S, Wheeler M, Fogelman I, Ralston S H, Hampson G N. Polymorphisms in the P450 c17 (17-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase) and P450 c19 (aromatase) genes: association with serum sex steroids concentrations and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Jan;89(1):344-51 Knapp K M, Blake G M, Spector T D & Fogelman I. Can the WHO Definition of Osteoporosis be Applied to Multi-Site Axial Transmission Quantitative Ultrasound? Osteoporosis Int. 2004 May;15(5):367-74. Blake G M, Patel R, Knapp K M, Fogelman I. Does the Combination of Two BMD Measurements Improve Fracture Discrimination? J Bone Miner Res 2003 Nov;18(11):1955-63 Knapp K M, Andrew T, MacGregor A J, Blake G M, Fogelman I & Spector T. An Investigation of Unique and Shared Gene Effects on Speed of Sound and Bone Density using Axial Transmission Quantitative Ultrasound and Dual X-ray Absorptiometry in Twins. J Bone Miner Res 2003;18:1525-1530 Knapp K M, Blake G M, Spector T D & Fogelman I. Differential Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Bone Mineral Density and Axial Transmission Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements in Cortical Bone. Osteoporosis Int 2003;14:289-94 Blake G M, Knapp K M & Fogelman I. Absolute Fracture Risk Varies with Bone Densitometry Technique Used. J Clin Densitometry 2002 5:109-116 Knapp K M, Blake G M, Fogelman I, Doyle D V & Spector T D. Multi-site Quantitative Ultrasound: Colles’ Fracture Discrimination on Postmenopausal Women. Osteoporosis Int 2002 13:474-479 Knapp K M, Blake G M, Spector T D & Fogelman I. Multisite Quantitative Ultrasound: Precision, Age- and Menopause-Related Changes, Fracture Discrimination and T-score Equivalence with Dual-Energy Absorptiometry. Osteoporosis Int 2001 12:456-464.
Oral and Poster presentations at conferences (Abstracts)Green L, Pickett N, Rendell L, Knapp KM, Summers IR, Heales CJ. An investigation of the sensitivity of two ultrasound quality assurance systems to changes in probe performance. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2009:120 Green L, Pickett N, Rendell L, Knapp KM, Summers IR, Heales CJ. An investigation of the inter-operator precision associated with two different methods of ultrasound quality assurance. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2009:119 Willis SJ, Heales CJ, Cousens C, Iyengar S, Knapp KM. Is the teaching of skeletal image-interpretation at undergraduate level effective in preparing students for practice? BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2009:107 Holl SA, Bartlett AG, Hopkins SJ, May S, Welsman JR, Knapp KM. Obesity increases precision errors in DXA measurements at the spine and hip. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2009:35 Stannard MJ, Gill RW, Clarke SM, Utting S, Hunt A, Knapp KM. Digital dual-energy chest radiography does not compromise image quality. BJR Congress series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2009:17 Heales CJ, Knapp KM, Frost ML, Patel R, Moore AEB, Pector TD, Fogelman I. Vertebral fracture assessment (using DXA) is a precise method of measuring intervertebral disc height. 2nd joint meeting of the Bone Research Society and the British Orthopaedic Society. June 23-25 2008. BROS P69. Farrell KR, Abbott C, Round K, Willis SJ, Yalden R, Knapp KM. Pelvic projection radiography: increasing the source image distance provides diagnostic images at a reduced dose. BJR Congress Series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2008. P 16 Wilson JH, Rom EE, Porter VL, Knapp KM. Habitual weight-bearing exercise is related to increased calcaneal quantitative ultrasound parameters in young females. BJR Congress Series. Proceedings of the UK Radiological Congress 2008. P 38 Forder Memorial Prize Winner Frost M, Burgess E, Knapp KM, Patel R, Moore AEB, Blake GM, Fogelman I. The use of lateral spine DXA imaging for the detection of abdominal aortic calcification. Osteoporosis Int. 2007; 18:S275 Wain L, Twigg L, Burrows M, MacLeod KM, Knapp KM. Whole body dual x-ray absorptiometry for bone and body composition measurements: short-term precision. Osteoporosis Int 2007; 18:S312 Knapp KM, MacLeod KM, Burrows M. Is total body BMD a good indicator for BMD at the clinically relevant sites of the lumbar spine and hip? Osteoporosis Int 2007; 18:S287 Franklin C, Hart KL, McInnes FA, Knapp KM. The Influence of Hand and Foot Dominance on Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements. UKRC 2007 Forder Memorial Prize winner Knapp KM, Moore AEB, Frost ML, Blake GM, Spector TD, Fogelman I. Visibility of Thoracic Vertebra using Instant Vertebral Assessment is Dependent on Hip Bone Mineral Density. Osteroporosis Int 2006; 17:S381 Heales CJ, Knapp KM, Moore AEB, Blake GM, Swaminathan R, Fogelman I. Current Pain and the Visual Analogue Scale as a Predictor of Quality of Life in Individuals With Osteoporosis. Osteroporosis Int 2006; 17:S413 Moore AEB, Frost ML, Knapp KM, Blake GM , Spector TD, Fogelman I. Is IVA a Reliable Method of Detecting Vertebral Fractures? 2006. Submitted to the 11th National Osteoporosis Society Conference, Harrogate Mansfield J, Winlove CP, Knapp KM, Matcher SJ. Imaging articular cartilage using non-linear microscopy. World congress on tissue matrix, Munich Moger CJ, Bluet P, Barret R, Ellis RE, Knapp KM, Winlove CP. Mechanical properties of Cartilage under load determined using Small angle X-ray diffraction (SAXS) and Raman micro-spectrometry. World congress on tissue matrix, Munich Knapp KM, Blake G M, Spector T D, Fogelman I. Is Axial Transmission Ultrasound Sensitive to Risk Factors for Osteoporosis? Submitted to the 10th National Osteoporosis Society Conference on Osteoporosis. Blake G M, Knapp K M, Spector T D, Fogelam I. Predicting the Risk of Fracture at Any Site in the Skeleton: Are all BMD Measurements Equally Effective? Submitted to the ASBMR 2004 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Koa-Sales R M, Boudousq V, Ruiz I, Kotzki P O, Chappard D, Audran M. In-vivo Bone Mineral Measurement of the Hip using the Lexxos Cone Beam Densitometer: Precision and Cross-calibration with Hologic Densitometers. J Bone Miner Res 2003;18:S315 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Blake G M, Spector T D, Fogelman I. Combining Sites for Fracture Discrimination: Results for Axial Transmission Ultrasound Compared with a Theoretical Model. J Bone Miner Res 2003;18:S324 (Poster Presentation) Somner J, McIellan S, Cheung J, Mak Y T, Frost M L, Knapp K M, Wiercbicki A S, Wheeler M, Fogelman I, Ralston S H, Hampson G. Ploymorphisms in the P450 C17 (17-Hydroxylase/17,20-Lyase) and P450 C19 (Aromatase) Genes: Association with Serum Sex Steroids Concentrations and Bone Mineral Denstiy in Postmenopausal Women. J Bone Miner Res 2003 18:1363 Knapp K M, Blake G M, Spector T D, Fogelman I. Does Combining Sites Improve Fracture Discrimination? Osteoporosis Int, 2003;14:S6 (Oral Presentation) Sankaralingam S, Cheung J, Prowse E, Frost M L, Knapp K M, Fogelman I & Hampson G. Serum Osteoprotegerin (OPG): Relationship with Age and Dietary Improvement. J Bone Miner Res 2002 17;S1:S315 (Poster Presentation) Somner J, Cheung J, Mak Y T, Prowse E, Frost M L, Knapp K M, Fogelman I, A S Wierzbicki & Hampson G. Aromatase Gene Polymorphisms: Association with Bone Mineral Density and Serum Estradiol Concentrations in Postmenopausal Women. J Bone Miner Res 2002 17;S1:S237 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Blake G M, Yaniv I, Spector T D & Fogelman I. Can the WHO Criteria be Applied to Multi-Site Axial Transmission Quantitative Ultrasound? J Bone Miner Res 2002 17;S1:S419 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Patel R, Blake G M & Fogelman I. Preliminary Evaluation of the Lexxos 2D Digital DXA Scanner. J Bone Miner Res. 2002 17;S1:S414 (Poster Presentation) Williams J, Knapp K M, Patel R, Blake G M, Fogelman I, Strong, E, Urwin J, Harris T, Kelleher J & Spector T. Intra and Inter Operator Precision at the Radius and Phalanx using Multi-site QUS. Submitted to Bath 2001. (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Blake G M, Spector T D, Weiss M & Fogelman I. A Comparison of UK Reference Data and Manufacturers Reference Data for Multi-Site QUS. Submitted to Bath 2001 (Poster Presentation) M Weiss, K M Knapp, D Hans. Hip Fracture Discrimination with Sunlight Omnisense – A Meta Analysis Report. J Bone Miner Res. 2001 16;S1:S347 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Blake G M, Spector T D, Fogelman I. Differential Effects of Multi-Site SOS and DXA on Cortical Bone with HRT. J Bone Miner Res. 2001 16;S1:S246 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Andrew T, Blake G M, Fogelman I & Spector T D. The Heritability of SOS and BMD a Comparitive Study between Multi-Site Ultrasound and DXA: A Twin Study. J Bone Miner Res 2000 15;S1:S259 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, deLange M E, MacGregor A J, Blake G M, Fogelman I & Spector T D. The Heritability of Cortical Bone Quality Using Multi-Site Ultrasound: A Twin Study. Rheumatology 2000 39:S1;103 (Oral Presentation) Knapp K M, deLange M E, Blake G M, Fogelman I & Spector T D. The Heritability of Bone Quality using Multi-Site Ultrasound in the Peripheral Skeleton: A Twin Study. Osteoporosis Int 2000 11:S1;S20 (Oral Presentation) Knapp K M, Blake, G M, Spector T D, Fogelman I. Ultrasound Measurements At The Radius Predict Vertebral Fractures In Postmenopausal Women. JBMR 1999 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Blake G M, Fogelman I, Spector T D. Ultrasound Measurements at the Radius Predict Wrist fractures in Postmenopausal Women. J Bone and Miner Res. 1999 14;6:1052 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Singal C, Blake G M, Fogelman I & Spector T D. Quantitative Ultrasound Measurements Detect Skeletal Changes in Cortical Bone Following HRT Use 11th International Workshop on Calcified Tissues, Eilat, Israel February 1999 (Poster Presentation) Knapp K M, Singal C, Blake G M and Fogelman I. Preliminary Results of the Sunlight Omnisense™ Bone Sonometer: In-vivo and In-vitro Precision and Correlation with DXA. Bone 1998 23;S5:S524 (Poster Presentation)
Non-peer reviewed journal articles