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Useful links

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These pages are informally maintained by the Theoretical Semiconductor group. The aim is to provide a short list of useful links that fits on a single page without scrolling. The emphasis is on 'useful to physicists' and there is no attempt to be comprehensive.

We are always on the look-out for high quality sites to add to our list and for 'meta-sites' for those seeking more a more comprehensive list.

We are looking for maintainers..

Computing John Rowe
Searches and Portals John Rowe
Reference Chris Latham
There is the startings of a science page.

Notes for Maintainers

  • The pages are for links that will be useful for work, not to interesting sites to look at instead of doing work.

  • If in doubt, leave it out. Each page should fit on a single page for the default startup on a 14" screen and should have a small selection of really well chosen links with some links to comprehensive, up-to-date metapages for that person who really needs to find the home page of the Bulgarian railway system. Think quality not quantity.

  • These pages are very much a first draft.

  • The pages should be of interest School-wide There may be some future in having a page specific to each research group.

  • There are some omissions (but take careful note of the first point!), most notibly general science, teaching resources, funding and maybe key University links.

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