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Physics and Astronomy
Home Undergrad
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Information and resources for Students

There is also a University-wide page for students.


School Handbook
this is the definitive source of information about the School of Physics and its management.
Regulations for Students
the University rules affecting students.
Undergraduate Physics Programmes
provided by the school of physics with details of the required options and modules. There are brief descriptions of the programmes in the admissions pages.
Physics Modules
for the current academic year. Each is linked to its description which conforms to a standard module description template.
Postgraduate Handbook
pages for postgraduates taking degrees by research.


Timetable Information
Staff and undergraduates may access their personal timetables via the University portal.
e-Learning Resources
supporting taught modules offered by the School of Physics.
Resources for the BSc. in Medical Imaging
are on the WebCT server.
recommended for all taught modules with hyperlinks to the University Library catalogue.
Personal development
online self-appraisal form.
Scientific Ethics
booklet about how scientists behave, and what happens when they don't.
Exeter University Physics Society
Guild of Students
NISS StudentZone
information for students on topics such as: careers, sport, travel, finance and entertainment.

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