Charles D.H. Williams
Research Interests
Quantum Fluids Research at Exeter
Contacts: CDHW and AFGW
A Quantum Fluid can show macroscopic quantum behaviour. For example, if
a rotational state is set up in such a fluid then it can persist
indefinitely - it appears as though the liquid has zero viscosity,
i.e. it is superfluid. This orbital motion is similar to the
familiar electron orbitals in an atom except that the radius is
macroscopic in a superfluid. This quantum behaviour is a consequence of
Bose-Einstein condensation. Very few systems show this, liquid
4He is the most accessible but it has recently been reported
that it occurs in small numbers of rubidium atoms and it is considered
to exist in neutron stars. However, only liquid helium is superfluid on
At Exeter we are studying quantum evaporation, the non-wetting of
alkali metals and film flow in a quantum solid. Liquid 4He is
the only liquid in which the evaporation process can be studied at the
atomic level. This is because the evaporation is caused by phonons and
rotons which can be created in the liquid as a ballistic beam. When a
sufficiently energetic phonon or roton reaches the free surface of the
liquid 4He, it is destroyed and all the energy is given to
the atom which escapes the liquid. This quantum evaporation process is
analogous to the photo-electric effect and it is a direct proof that
phonons are quantised. The properties of quantum evaporation are being
studied, including the difficult problem of measuring the quantum
efficiency of the evaporation. However the process of quantum
evaporation is well enough understood for us to use it to study, in a
depth that was impossible before, the properties of phonons and rotons.
Their behaviour shows many surprises, for example a cloud of low energy
phonons can convert a major part of its energy into high energy phonons
(this does not violate thermodynamics!).
Liquid 4He wets most materials but it does not wet cesium
or rubidium and so these systems are excellent for studying the
phenomena of non-wetting and pre-wetting which are difficult to do with
classical fluids. We have done an experiment that shows cesium is
particularly free of 4He at temperatures well below the
wetting temperature. We have measured the contact angle between liquid
helium and cesium and have shown that it goes to zero in a first order
phase transition at the wetting temperature.The magnitude of the contact
angle at low temperatures indicates ripplons (quantised capillary waves)
at the cesium-helium interface; this work is continuing and we are
planning to measure the contact angle by optical imaging. On rubidium we
have measured the wetting temperature and showed that the two
4He films of different thicknesses that coexist are probably
both superfluid. Solid hydrogen is a quantum solid with a large
zero-point energy. This means that the molecules on the surface solid
hydrogen do not stay at fixed lattice sites as with normal solids do but
move around to go to the lowest free energy configuration. We have
developed a model that shows that the process is activated diffusion.
Quantum fluids research gives the possibility of discovering new
phenomena and tackling original and fundamental physics. There are a
number of groups in England studying Quantum Fluids and we enjoy a high
international reputation. Our PhD students have little problem in
getting good jobs.
Our philosophy is to answer current fundamental questions about
quantum fluids. To do this we design unique experiments and construct
theoretical models. This is an area in which an individual can be
creative. We have many contacts world-wide, from Russia to Australia
including France, Germany, Finland, Italy, Ukraine and U.S.A. We keep in
touch by email, visits to each others' laboratories, international
workshops and conferences. We are very much part of a world-wide
exploration of quantum fluids.
We are mainly funded by EPSRC and currently have two substantial
grants from them. Other grants are from the EU.
We have a well-equipped laboratories including five dilution
refrigerators of various sizes so that each research project has ready
access to millikelvin temperatures. The detection and data-capture
electronics is state of the art and enables us to detect subtle effects.
We have a range of vacuum evaporators for producing thin-film devices
used in the experiments and an ultra high vacuum system for preparing
atomically clean alkali metal surfaces. The School has recently
installed a new liquefier so there is a ready supply of liquid helium
for experiments. The group enjoys the support of a technician who helps
build new experiments.
Quantum Evaporation from a 2D Fermion System
Contact: CDHW
3He forms a two-dimensional layer on the surface of liquid
4He. This is a two-dimensional Fermi system. The
3He atoms that are quantum evaporated from liquid
4He probably come from the outer regions of the surface
density profile as the atoms are not scattered as they evaporate.
However the excitations which evaporate them are modified by this change
in density. By seeing where the phonon-atom interaction takes place we
hope to learn about this modification. We use 3He atoms which
occupy surface states and we measure the relative probabilities of
3He and 4He evaporation. Furthermore, we can
investigate the two-dimensional Fermi system of the 3He.
See also: Publications by CDHW about 2-D Fermion Systems
Bolometric Excitation Detectors
Contact: CDHW
Information about bolometers and detectors here.
Vortex Nucleation
Contact: CDHW
Collaboration: Professor P.V.E. McClintock, University of Lanaster.
Zurek suggested [Nature (1985) 317, 505]
that the Kibble mechanism, through which topological defects such as
cosmic strings are believed to have been created in the early Universe,
can also result in the formation of topological defects in liquid
4He, i.e. quantised vortices, during rapid quenches through the
superfluid transition. Preliminary experiments
[Nature (1994) 368, 315] seemed to support this idea in that the
quenches produced the predicted high vortex-densities. A new experiment
incorporating a redesigned expansion
cell that minimises vortex creation arising from conventional
hydrodynamic flow. The post-quench line-densities of vorticity produced
by the new cell are no more than 1010m-2, a value that is at
least two orders-of-magnitude less than the theoretical prediction. We
conclude that most of the vortices detected in the original experiment
must have been created through conventional flow processes.
See also: Publications by CDHW about Cosmic Strings
Probability of Quantum Evaporation and Condensation
Contacts: AFGW and CDHW
We have recently predicted a method to form a free standing slab of
liquid helium so both sides are accessible. The aim is to fire helium
atoms at the top side and measure the atom flux coming from the other
side. When an atom condenses on the top side there is probability that
it will produce a roton. This roton will then travel through the liquid
helium to the other side where there is a probability that it will
evaporate an atom. From measurements of the incident and emitted fluxes
we will obtain the product of these probabilities. These can then be
compared with the results of theory.
See also: Publications by CDHW about Quantum Evaporation
Ripplon-Phonon Coupling
Contacts: CDHW and AFGW
The quantum efficiency of evaporation has been predicted but it is
rather difficult to measure. If a phonon is incident on the free surface of
4He it can reflect, evaporate an atom or perhaps create a
riplon and another phonon. As we cannot measure the flux of phonons
directly we have to detect reflected phonons and show that the remaining
phonons evaporate the atoms that we detect. In this way we can put a
lower limit on the quantum efficiency of the process. This is a crucial
number to compare with theoretical calculations.
Next: The Quantum Interacting Systems Research Group
See also: Physics Research at Exeter