Fixing the email archive
The central email server has a "feature" whereby emails over a year
old are
archived to a separate location and replaced with a short message
consisting of the first few lines of the whole message followed by a hyperlink
to the new location.
Not only is this slow, but it creates havoc when trying to keep local
copies on your notebook or other client machines.
Following a recent meeting with
Information and Computing Systems Division we believe we have soutions for
both Microsoft Outlook and other users.
Microsoft Outlook
The vendors of the email archiving system
provide a "Laptop Client" for Microsoft Outlook to allow local copies of email
folders to be stored on your laptop (or desktop) in a transparent manner.
It's available on-line via the
email archive web page. If in doubt
contact IT Support.
Other email clients
If you use any other client the email archiving systen can simply be
turned off and your previously-archived emails restored. Just email
with the reason for your request.
If you hit your email quota
If you disable archiving you may hit your stored email quota, which at
time of writing is 2GB. After all, that's the point of the email archive.
You should receive emails warning you before this happens. If so contact JMR:
we have various potential solutions.