Philosophical Magazine Letters, 65(6), 291-298 (1992)

Table 4

Infra-red-active frequencies, cm-1, of C60: MP denotes the Musgrave-Pople potential.

Mode Expt.(1) Expt.(2) Expt.(3) LDF MP Calc.(4) Calc.(5) MNDO(6)
1428 1428.9 1406.9 1403 1445 1345 1641 1628
1183 1181.2 1169.1 1127 1232 1105 1358 1353
577 576.3 570.3 647 656 555 643 719
527 527.3 527.1 614 632 530 494 577

(1) Meijer et al. (1992).
(2) Cox et al. (1986).
(3) Frum, Engleman, Hedderich and Bernath (1991).
(4) Feuston et al. (1991).
(5) Adams et al. (1991).
(6) Stanton and Newton (1988).


[Abstract] [Introduction] [Method] [Vibrational modes] [Conclusions] [Acknowledgements] [References] [Table 1] [Table 2] [Table 3] [Table 4] [Figure 1] [Figure 2]

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