Philosophical Magazine Letters, 65(6), 291-298 (1992)


The discovery (Hebbard et al. 1991) of superconductivity in alkali-metal doped C60 has created intense interest in the structure of the molecule and its vibratory modes.

We calculate these using an ab initio local density functional pseudopotential method (Jones and Sayyash 1986; Jones 1988, 1989) with a Gaussian basis set of s- and p- orbitals.  The pseudopotential is taken from the work of Bachelet, Hamann and Schlüter (1982) and obviates the need to describe the C 1s- orbital.  The exchange and correlation potentials of Ceperley and Alder (1980) are utilised.  The Hartree and exchange-correlation energies are evaluated by performing an intermediate fit to the charge density also using Gaussian functions.

Next: Method


[Abstract] [Introduction] [Method] [Vibrational modes] [Conclusions] [Acknowledgements] [References] [Table 1] [Table 2] [Table 3] [Table 4] [Figure 1] [Figure 2]

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