University of Exeter Handbook (Physics) Questions/Comments Department (Physics)

Assessment Criteria for PHYM004 Computational Physics and Modelling

Homework Exercises

Marking Criteria for Reports

Reports should normally be written in LaTeX using the Department's standard template:

Mark RangeQualities of Report
85 - 100%Exceptional. An assignment that is difficult to fault, with the possible exception of one or two minor errors.
70 - 84%Excellent. No significant deficiencies, but a small number of minor errors. Clear text and diagrams with a well defined focus, reflecting a good knowledge of material and good competence in its critical assessment.
66 - 69%Very good. No more than one significant deficiency. Expected components present, with good content, structure and presentation.
60 - 65%Focal level. Only one or two significant deficiencies. Expected components present, with good content, structure and presentation.
50 - 59%No major flaws, but a number of significant deficiencies. Expected components present in an acceptable form.
40 - 49%Threshold level. Only one or two major flaws. Expected components present in a recognisable form.
20 - 39%Fail. A number of major flaws. Lacking in overall structure. Evidence of a lack of basic knowledge and critical ability.
0 - 19%Nothing approaching an acceptable assignment.

Marking Criteria for Code

By the end of the module students are expected to be able to produce straightforward code, documented with comments, that employs an appropriately modular structure, a consistent and informative naming conventions, and that could be understood / adapted / verified by another skilled programmer without undue effort. The feedback given with each piece of homework will focus on these aims.

Mark RangeQualities of Code
85 - 100%Exceptional. Code that is difficult to fault, with the possible exception of one or two minor errors.
70 - 84%Excellent. Code that has no significant deficiencies, but a number of minor errors. Demonstrates a good knowledge of programming conventions and idioms and good judgement in the selection of algorithms.
66 - 69%Very good. No more than one significant deficiency. Makes good use of abstraction generalisation and modularisation.
60 - 65%Focal level. Only one or two significant deficiencies. Clear structure documented with comments. Employs an appropriate degree of abstraction generalisation and modularisation.
50 - 59%No major flaws, but a number of significant deficiencies. Code compiles without errors and when run produces results that are correct or almost correct. Code is structured and documented with comments.
40 - 49%Outcome at threshold level. Only one or two major flaws. Code compiles and runs but answers or methods used are incorrect and major changes would be needed to fix the issues.
20 - 39%Fail. A number of major flaws. Lacking in overall structure. Evidence of a lack of basic knowledge and critical ability. Code does not compile and/or fails to address the set assignment in a reasonably skilled manner.
0 - 19%Nothing approaching an acceptable assignment.

Code that conforms to any of the ANSI/ISO standards for C89/C90, C99 and C11 will 'compile without errors'.

Material that is cited as the work of others will be excluded from consideration when assigning marks.


Unless otherwise specified on the worksheet, the default weighting for homework exercises and projects will be 25% for the report and 75% for the code.

Academic Misconduct

The following behaviours will be interpreted as serious academic misconduct:

and will be reported to the appropriate University Authorities. Copies of all material submitted for assessment will be retained indefinitely in a database and submitted work will be compared against it using plagiarism detection tools.

University of Exeter Handbook (Physics) Questions/Comments Department (Physics)