Stage 2 Tutorial Work
All undergraduate physics tutorials follow the
general guidelines for tutorials. The details
specific to tutorials for Stage 2 Physics students are as follows:
Weekly homework assignments of two hours duration; some assignments may take
more than one week and at least 60% should involve written work.
The core modules:
- PHY2021 Electromagnetism I (Term 1)
- PHY2022 Quantum Mechanics I (Term 1)
- PHY2025 Mathematics with Physical Applications (Terms 1 and 2)
- PHY2023 Thermal Physics (Term 2)
- PHY2024 Condensed Matter I (Term 2)
will each normally have three homework assignments associated with them. The first part of each assignment may
involve writing an account of (or notes on) a specified range of topics with the
remainder devoted to basic problems that illustrate the principles covered in the
first part.
The majority of tutorial time should be devoted to work which supports the
lecture modules, and laboratory work. This may include dealing with setting and
discussing the work referred to above, general discussions, checks on students notes,
preparation for mid-term tests.
Short oral presentations by students should be included: possibly on
general physics topics/essays in the first semester, and one related to the mini
project in the second semester.
A session discussing the structure and presentation of conventional scientific reports, plagiarism,
and scientific ethics. Students should be asked to read and reflect on the
and be given an opportunity to discuss its meaning and implications. Other useful resources include:
Week T2:01: Individual Self-Appraisal PDP interviews
Towards the end of Term T2 students chould be given a chance to
discuss their choice of options for next year.
Students taking three-year programmes should be encouraged to visit the
Career Zone in the Forum (Tel. 4493), to seek preliminary advice during Term T2.