Procedures for Handling Missing Marks
All missing marks for coursework, problems classes, mid-term tests, etc. will be
investigated by the staff member responsible for returning the marks. In cases
when there are valid Mitigating Circumstances, an appropriate
substitute mark will be used when calculating the returned mark for the module. Each
final marksheet will include a note confirming that this procedure has
been implemented. The substitute mark will normally be based on the student's performance
in a similar assessment, as follows:
For a missing test, the student's performance on an equivalent test on the same
module will be used, if available. (If there are two or more equivalent
tests the average performance over these will be used.)
Similarly, for a missing problem class or minor piece of coursework, the
student's average performance for equivalent assessments will be used, if available.
If the student has no mark available from an equivalent assessment, a
substitute mark will be calculated on the basis of the student's average performance
over other assessments on that module.
- Substitute marks may not normally contribute a substantial (as defined
in the document Penalties for Late Submission of Work
) proportion of a student's module mark. If a student is missing a substantial proportion of marks for
a module because of bona fide absence, a
deferred assessment
may be required.
- In some cases of bona fide absence the student may, at the
discretion of the module instructor, be expected to catch up the missing
work and so a substitute mark will not be provided. This will normally be the case in a laboratory
module (or similar) if the student has missed the work session as well as the associated assessment.
Evaluation of a student's 'performance' will be an academic judgement normally drawing on the
student's rank position in the cohort and/or marks.