University of Exeter Handbook (Physics) Questions/Comments Department (Physics)

Combined Honours Student Co-ordinator

Role Description

  1. Familiarise oneself with all aspects of all stages of the Combined Honours programmes (FG31 and FGH1) so as to advise students
  2. Identify particular areas of difficulty and problems associated with the dual-school nature of the programmes and seek the best solution to these
  3. Be available to - and be proactive in identifying - students in difficulty and endeavour to establish source of problem and suggest remedy
  4. Attend Combined Honours Examination Boards and Boards of Study; liaise with External Examiner, as appropriate
  5. Identify any additional tasks to be added to the role description

Important Dates

OctIntroduce yourself to Stage 1 CH students in a small group meeting and explain your pastoral care role
OctMeet with Stage 2 CH students to obtain feedback on Stage 1
OctMeet with Stage 3 CH students to obtain feedback on Stage 2
Nov/DecLiaise with student co-ordinators concerning any CH students with difficulties
MarLiaise with student co-ordinators concerning any CH students with difficulties

Links Within School

External Links

University of Exeter Handbook (Physics) Questions/Comments Department (Physics)