MarkUp Validation Service
This page has the to-do list for the W3C MarkUp
Validation Service, including bugs that need fixing and general
wish list items. See also the
mailing list archives for recent discussion that may not be
reflected on this page.
Recently, we're trying something new. :-)
We're going to
start splitting development into "releases"; that is milestones with a
version number. We've done a few already, arbitrarily named 0.5.0 and
0.5.1, that mainly existed as CVS tags to make bug fixing easier. Right
now I'm trying to stretch this concept a little further by planning
features for future versions in advance.
As a result, you will find several lists on this page now; one for each
planned version and one for general "some time when I get a round tuit"
stuff. As releases are made, the TODO items for that release are removed
(see What's New and CVS for details) or moved
to the next release if delayed.
Validator v0.7.0
Core Changes
- Bring back the Root Namespace in results.
Investigate how, if, and when, to use Nick Kew's most excellent
patch to OpenSP.
- Figure out some way to avoid inlining so much static
- Finish up the textarea for testing short
HTML fragments.
Add an HTML
pretty-printer feature, using
tidy and/or Enscript?
- Add support for https:// (TLS/SSL) using Ville's patches.
Pay attention to Accept-Charset (cf. this
message from "brewhaha").
Double check that all output is valid! In particular, use style rules
to specify height/width on suggested links.
Do a great big update of the various badges; the details of size,
transparency, naming, and how they are linked to ( vs.
- Make sure we output sane "text/html; charset=foo".
Documentation Changes
Clarify the wording regarding valid characters in
errors.html (cf.
message from Clemens Radl.
Thanks Clemens!)
Write documentation for the SGML catalog,
point out good DOCTYPEs to use, and make it easy to find if your editor
won't insert them for you.
Add system requirements for
Bug Bjoern about his "Installing the Validator on
NT" doc.
Link to ActiveState
and friends.
- Add docs on editing
- Document how to add new
to the Validator.
- Write documentation for Content Negotiation of Badges
Website Changes
Link to Jukka's pages; both in general and to specific pages.
Ask him about mirroring some of the stuff on
Validator v1.0.0 (tentative)
Core Changes
Add a "fix my HTML
for me" option using Tidy.
Finish adding support for XML
validation (see also:
test cases, or
existing service).
Add a section to the report on
document cacheability?
(or just link to it?)
Put the explanations in a database (flat files are probably OK),
and offer an option to display them inline with the errors.
Incorporate CSS
validation directly into this service; either
directly or by some form of linking to the existing service on
Make e.g.;imgonly
return only an image showing the validation status of the referring
Add link validation using Hugo's
code (or other code with similar functionality).
Add a "document meta-information" section to the report, to encourage
people to use
tags appropriately?
Figure out what's going on with this.
(Thanks to Marie
Taylor-Harper for catching this!).
Investigate validation of RDDL.
Fix directories differing only in name case in
We have both "ietf" and "IETF" in there.
Documentation Changes
Write documentation, describing each feature and option of the
validator and answering questions like "What's the difference between
parser and Weblint?", "Which
should I use?",
content negotiation, ...
Website Changes
; automate the updates.
Various Unclassified Stuff
These items are roughly in prioritized order; i.e. the items near the
top are those which I consider most important.
Make lists of "most frequently validated invalid pages"
and "most frequently validated (non-W3C?) valid pages"
(need to start logging stuff first, including IPs to compare
Install and play with
, link to it from somewhere:
Home Page
Sami Itkonen's
CPAN directory
Give errors/warnings related to markup that is technically valid
but error prone, such as things found in
implementation notes" in the
HTML 4.0 spec.
(these things really belong in something like
Make an "elements found" section a la Webtechs, with links from each
element to the appropriate place in either the DTD tree listing
produced with dtd2html (after running dtd2html with all DTDs in the
catalog), or the HTML
3.2/4.0 specs, or stuff, ...
Add a "recommend a DTD
for me" feature (check a document against all
available DTDs, report which one has the fewest errors)
Start caching validation results locally and doing an
request to only download and re-validate
if they actually changed since their last validation
Site walker/validator: need to add a "registered user" feature first,
because this feature could be abused (many requests on a server in a
short period of time)?
URL-minder service:
"remind me if this page or set of pages ever ceases to validate".
"registered user" feature is also necessary for this (to prevent
unwanted e-mail)
"registered users" could have a list of URLs they're interested in,
and whenever they return to the service they can modify this list,
and e-mail can be sent whenever any of them cease to validate
Right now someone could probably use the existing URL-minder
service instead of writing a new one (tell it to "mind" the
that points to the validation result for a page?) But I'm not sure
how regularly
checks for changes; it seemed to be
weekly or something, which isn't frequent enough, IMO. Doing an
every day doesn't
cost much if pages don't change. Some of these features should only
be enabled if the page consistently returns a Last-Modified
header, maybe.
- Provide messages in different languages?
Add a graphical representation of the document's structure,
using images mixed with text, or just an image?
- Add a section with
Issue PICS
labels for documents that do/don't conform? Or for editing tools that don't
Investigate possibility of modifying OpenSP's messages for e.g.
invalid attributes to include name of current element and version
and type of markup in use.
The W3C Validator Team
$Date: 2002/12/01 11:34:03 $