Students will work individually and in groups in order to engage
with the technical, economic and social issues arising from energy-use
and environmental change. They will study these in sufficient depth to allow
them to make informed and quantitative judgements about proposals to
ameliorate environmental damage by policy and other changes. They also have
the opportunity to exercise these skills by examining a
'real world' issue as the topic of a group research-project and report.
Module Aims
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the broad range of
issues concerned in the relationship between energy-use and environmental
change. Energy is mainly derived from fossil fuels; there are two problems
with this energy source. The first is that it is finite, and so in the
future we must move to sustainable energy sources. Secondly, fossil
fuels pollute the environment on both a local and a global scale. For
example the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing, and this
is likely to lead to global warming.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
A student who has passed this module should be able to:
Module Specific Skills and Knowledge:
- analyse and compare alternative potential solutions to environmental
and energy-supply issues using their knowledge of a wide
range of energy technologies and energy-related environmental issues;
- in the overall context of the need to reduce
global fossil fuel consumption:
- quantify the scope for efficiency improvements in electricity production,
- evaluate the relative potentials of a range of renewable energy technologies,
- quantify and compare various economic demand management measures,
- calculate heat loss from buildings and identify effective conservation
- distinguish between local and global pollution effects;
Discipline Specific Skills and Knowledge:
- work in a group to analyse a problem and hence:
- use literature and other search methods to acquire the necessary data,
- order and analyse data from diverse sources to support an argument,
- quantify each element and produce a rational comparison of options,
- summarise the complex and difficult issues into a convincing conclusion,
- write a convincing and coherent account of their analysis;
Personal and Key Transferable / Employment Skills and Knowledge:
- distinguish between competing solutions by making a
quantitative assessment of the efficacy of each;
- work in groups, i.e. define and share tasks, cooperate with
others, discuss and form a consensus agreement;
- communicate a coherent and convincing technical argument in writing;
- communicate clearly with an audience by making a ten-minute oral presentation.
Syllabus Plan
- Introduction
- Global warming 1
- Global warming 2
- Ozone depletion, acid rain
- Historic energy-demand
- Economics of energy use
- Fossil fuel 1
- Fossil fuel 2
- Energy from the wind
- Wave, tidal and hydro power
- Energy from wood and biomass
- Solar energy
- Nuclear energy
- Conservation issues 1
- Conservation issues 2
- Transport and conservation
Group Project
Working in groups of 4 or 5, students will analyse and compare alternative
approaches to a problem; possible topics include, for example, "Propose a
series of measures which, globally, could be used to absorb or sequester
50% of the carbon currently emitted from burning fossil fuels", "Determine
what fraction of the UK's requirement for electricity could be met from wind power",
etc. A group will produce a report and present its findings to the rest of the class
at the end of the module. (Refer to the table of Asessments and Assignments above.)
Learning and Teaching
Learning Activities and Teaching Methods
Description |
Study time |
KIS type |
16×1-hour lectures |
16 hours
8×3-hour worksheets |
24 hours
6×1-hour project sessions |
6 hours
Reading, private study and revision |
104 hours
Weight |
Form |
Size |
When |
ILOS assessed |
Feedback |
50% |
Worksheets |
8×3-hours |
Approximately weekly T2:01-08 |
1,2,4,6 |
Written |
40% |
Group Project Report |
5000 words |
Deadline week T2:10 |
1-6 |
Written and verbal |
10% |
Group Presentation |
30 minutes |
Week T2:11 |
1-5,7 |
Written and verbal |
The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of information that
students are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Instructor(s).
Core text:
Supplementary texts:
Allaby M. (2000), Basics of Environmental Science, Taylor and Francis, ISBN 0-415-21175-1 (UL: 504 ALL)
Boeker E. and van Grondelle R. (1995), Environmental Physics, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-471-93931-5 (UL: 628 BOE)
Boyle G. (1996), Renewable Energy - Power for a Sustainable Future, OUP/OU, ISBN 0-19-856452-x (UL: 333.82 BOY)
Campbell I.M. (1986), Energy and the Atmosphere, A Physical-Chemical Approach (2nd edition), Wiley, ISBN 0-471-90856-8 (UL: 551.511 CAM)
Ramage J. (1997), Energy: A Guidebook, An Opus book, OUP, ISBN 0-192-88022-5 (UL: 333.79 RAM)
Twidell J. and Weir T. , Renewable Energy Resources, F. and F.N. Spon, ISBN 0-419-12010-6 (UL: 621.4 TWI)
Further Information
Prior Knowledge Requirements
Pre-requisite Modules |
Thermal Physics (PHY2023) |
Co-requisite Modules |
none |
Re-assessment is not available except when required by referral or deferral.
Original form of assessment |
Form of re-assessment |
ILOs re-assessed |
Time scale for re-assessment |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Notes: Re-assessment is not available for this module.
KIS Data Summary
Learning activities and teaching methods |
SLT - scheduled learning & teaching activities |
22 hrs |
GIS - guided independent study |
128 hrs |
PLS - placement/study abroad |
0 hrs |
Total |
150 hrs |
Summative assessment |
Coursework |
90% |
Written exams |
0% |
Practical exams |
10% |
Total |
100% |
IoP Accreditation Checklist |
- Not applicable, this is an optional module.
Availability |
unrestricted |
Distance learning |
NO |
Keywords |
Physics; Energy; Fuel; Fossil; Issues; Conservation; Range; Fossil fuels; Measures; Warming; Potential. |
Created |
01-Oct-10 |
Revised |
N/A |