Module Description

PHY3203 Advanced Statistical Physics


Code: PHY3203
Level: 3
Title: Advanced Statistical Physics
Instructors: Staff of Foreign Host Institution
CATS Credit Value: 15
ECTS Credit Value: 7.5
Pre-requisites: N/A
Co-requisites: N/A
Duration: As agreed
Availability: Physics programmes with study abroad only
Background Assumed: Statistical Physics (PHY2201)
Directed Study Time: 45 lectures (approx)
Private Study Time: 105 hours (approx)
Assessment Tasks Time: -
Observation report: N/A


This module aims to develop links between microscopic and macroscopic systems in order to describe the energy and thermal properties of collections of atoms in terms of the microscopic properties of their constituents.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students should be able to:

Module Specific Skills

Discipline Specific Skills

Personal and Key Skills

Learning / Teaching Methods

These follow local practice at the host institution, typically lectures and/or directed self-study. Courses may also include laboratory exercises and homework problems.


Follow host institution's conventions


As specified by host institution, typically homework assignments and a final examination.

Syllabus Plan and Content

  1. Review of thermodynamics and the statistical description of equilibrium
  2. Thermal interaction
  3. Microscopic theory and macroscopic measurements
  4. Canonical distribution
  5. Thermodynamic interaction, phase transitions
  6. Elementary kinetic theory of transport
  7. Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions; black-body photon radiation
Recommended Modules and Texts in Host Institution
Host InstitutionModuleText
AucklandPhysics 315 (S2)D.V. Schroeder, Introduction to Thermal Physics
Central Michigan450 (Spring)K. Stowe, Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Iowa State531 (Fall)R. K. Pathria, Statistical Mechanics
Kansas671 (Fall)D. Kondepudi and I. Prigogine, Modern Thermodynamics
Massey124.327 (S1)C. Kittel and H. Kroemer, Thermal Physics
New Mexico505 (Spring)K. Huang, Statistical Mechanics
Sydney3956 (1)M.W. Zemansky and R.H. Dittman, Heat and Thermodynamics
Wollongong385 (Spring)C. Kittel and H. Kroemer, Thermal Physics

Core Text

Not applicable

Supplementary Text(s)

Not applicable

Formative Mechanisms

Follow host institution's conventions.

Evaluation Mechanisms

In addition to using the host institution's systems, students can raise any matters of concern with the Stage 3 Study Abroad Co-ordinator.

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