Valentin V. Nikolaev

School of Physics, University of Exeter                                       Phone: +44-(0)1392-264198

Stocker Road, Exeter, UK                                                         Fax: +44-(0)1392-264111

EX4 4QL                                                                                  E-mail:


Personal Data

Date of birth:  August 19, 1978

Birthplace:      St.-Petersburg, Russia

Marital status:            Single

Citizenship:     Russian


1999-present              Ph.D. in Physics (Theory of Semiconductor Nanostructures). Due to graduate in September 2002.

School of Physics, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK

Ph.D. Thesis title: ”Many-Particle Correlations in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron-Hole Systems”

Scientific supervisor: Dr. M.E. Portnoi

1999-2001                   M.Sc. degree in Technical Physics

Physico-Technical Faculty, St.-Petersburg State Technical University, Russia

M.Sc. Thesis title: ”Theory of Indirect Excitons in Spatially Separated Electron-Hole Plasma and its Application to GaN/AlGaN-based Heterostructures”

1995-1999                   B.Sc. degree with Honours, St.-Petersburg State Technical University, Russia

B.Sc. Thesis title: ”Advantages of Quantum Dot Lasers over Semiconductor Lasers based on Quantum Wells and Double Heterostructures"

1995                            High School Certificate from Physico-Mathematical School

(Gymnasium) No 30, St.-Petersburg, Russia

Employment History

1999-present              Graduate Research Assistant, School of Physics, University of Exeter, UK.

2001-present              Research Scientist (member of staff), M.A. Kaliteevski research group, Prof. P.S. Kopiev laboratory, A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St-Petersburg, Russia (currently on leave)

2000-present              Graduate Teaching Assistant at the School of Physics, University of Exeter. Duties include demonstrating and tutoring at undergraduate courses in physics and mathematics and conducting a quantum mechanics workshop for M.Phys. students.

1997-2001                   Research Assistant at Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St-Petersburg, Russia.


Valentin V. Nikolaev                                                                                            School of Physics, University of Exeter

E-mail:                                                                       Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QL, UK


Research Interests

Research Experience

Results were published in 18 papers in international scientific journals (see Publication List).


Valentin V. Nikolaev                                                                                            School of Physics, University of Exeter                                                                        Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QL, UK

Computational Skills

I was trained as a programmer at the high school (St-Petersburg 30th School has specialisation in computer programming) and at the university. I write computer codes on professional level for several years now. I wrote more than 20 computer programs applied to various scientific problems.

Programming languages: C++, Fortran.

Operating systems: Linux, Windows 95/ME.

Software: NAG/LAPACK routines, LaTeX, Xmgrace, Maple, MathCad, PowerPoint, Origin…


Dr. M.E. Portnoi, Lecturer in Theoretical Physics

School of Physics, University of Exeter, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QL, UK

Phone: +44-(0)1392-264154

Fax: +44-(0)1392-264111


Prof. R.A. Abram

Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK

Phone: +44-(0)191-374-2405

Fax: +44 (0)191-374-3848


Prof. A. Kavokin,

LASMEA, UMR6602 du CNRS, Universite Blaise Pascal-Clermont-Ferrand II,

63177 Aubiere Cedex, France

Phone: +33-(0)-4-73-40-72-10

Fax: +33-(0)-4-73-40-73-40




List of Publications and Conference Presentations is provided separately