
Ice Age - (c. 500,000 to c. 10,000 years ago)

The Ice Age is characterised by glaciations (periods of cold climate) and interglacials (periods of warm weather). During this period Britain was inhabited by people with Old Stone Age or Palaeolithic cultures. People lived by hunting and gathering and used stone tools such as hand-axes, blades, harpoons and scrapers.

Mesolithic of Middle Stone Age - (c. 10,000 BC to c. 3,500 BC)

The Mesolithic period is characterised by the increasingly warmer climate and the melting of the ice sheet and rise in sea-level. People lived by hunting and gathering and used small flint implements known as microliths.

Neolithic or New Stone Age - (c. 3,500 BC to 2,000 BC)

The Neolithic period is characterised by the first settled agricultural communities. Stone tools such as adzes, chisels and gouges were used.

Bronze Age - (c. 2,000 BC to 650 BC)

The Bronze Age is characterised by the first use of copper and bronze for making weapons and tools.

Iron Age - (c. 650 BC to AD 43)

The Iron Age is characterised by the first use of iron for making weapons and tools.

The Roman Period - (AD 43 to AD 410)

Britain was invaded by the Romans in AD 43 and many changes took place as a result of romanization - the adoption of Roman civilization.

The Saxons - (c. mid 5th-century to 1066)

This period dates from the first invasions of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes who eventually settled here into tribal groups and later into four kingdoms of Wessex, Mercia, Northumbria and East Anglia.

The Medieval Period - (1066 to c. 1500)

This period dates from the time of the Norman conquest and saw an increase in the development of towns, a monastic revival and the re-building of churches and cathedrals.
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Text by Jane Allwood, HTMLised by Stephen Jenkins
Last modified: Fri Mar 22 23:08:13 GMT 1996