gvib Online Notes
Basically, it uses eigenvector info stored in fort.22 file from
Bob's vibs code, plus the cluster or cell structure from a xyz.structure input file,
generating a xyz.movie output file with a movie-like oscilation sequence.
At the top of the source file, one can set four constants: NDIM, AMP,
NSTEPS and NCYCLES. These are the maximum number of eigenvectors,
the amplitude of oscilation in Angstron, the number of steps in a 2*pi movie cycle, and
the number of cycles in the all movie.
The syntax is:
gvib xyz.file mode > xyz.movie
where mode is an integer index specifying the eigenvector to use (see also file fort.95).
The file fort.22 from Bob's vibes code must be in the current directory.
email: coutinho@excc.ex.ac.uk
Homepage: http://newton.ex.ac.uk/people/coutinho/
José Pedro Coutinho
School of Physics
University of Exeter
Stocker Road
United Kingdom