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- 1
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Figure 1. The ground state configuration of the interstitial carbon defect
in Si. The atoms with reduced coordination numbers are marked.
Figure 2. The A-form of the di-carbon defect. The defect can be thought
of as a C
defect bound to a substitutional carbon atom.
Figure 3. The B-form of the di-carbon defect. This defect is a bond centered
silicon atom lying between two substitutional carbon atoms.
Figure 4. The pseudo-wavefunctions of the carbon interstitial defect
in Si. The white triangle represents the carbon atom, and its nearest
Si neighbors are represented by white circles.
(a) Wavefunction of second highest occupied state, (110) plane,
(b) Wavefunction of highest occupied state (110) plane,
(c) Wavefunction of lowest unoccupied state (110) plane.
Table: Structural data of the C
and C
defects in Å . Here,
the subscripts indicate the coordination of the atoms involved, with reference
to Figures 1-3.
Table: Experimental and calculated LVMs, cm
, of the C
defect, and
their downwards isotope shifts
Table: Experimental and calculated LVMs, cm
, and
their downwards isotope shifts of
the B-form of C
Table: Relative total energies (eV) for the A and B forms of the di-carbon
defect with varying charge state.
Reference 14.
Reference 9.
Reference 12.
Antonio Resende
Wed Jan 15 12:41:08 GMT 1997