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The substitutional Au centre


An 131 atom cluster with a neutral Au placed at its centre was fully relaxed, keeping the H terminators fixed. The gap contains a tex2html_wrap_inline472 level containing three electrons and the configuration is taken to be tex2html_wrap_inline474 , consistent with tex2html_wrap_inline376 . The charge density was averaged over the three degenerate tex2html_wrap_inline472 states and the self-consistent energy and forces acting on the atoms found. This procedure prevents a Jahn-Teller distortion [13]. Such distortions have been investigated by breaking the symmetry and relaxing in a specific electronic configuration [8, 13] but the tex2html_wrap_inline472 splitting is very small and of no importance to the calculation of the donor and acceptor levels. The Au-Si lengths were 2.76 Å.

The positions of the five innermost atoms, including the impurity, were then inserted into a 297 atom cluster. An additional half electron was added to the tex2html_wrap_inline482 level and another half added to the nearest tex2html_wrap_inline484 empty level which is taken to be the conduction band bottom. The difference between these levels then gave an estimate of the (-/0) acceptor level. In a similar way, the donor level was found by promoting half a electron to the tex2html_wrap_inline472 level of the positively charged defect from the three levels lying beneath this defect level (and taken to represent thee valence band top). These energies were then rescaled as described above to compensate for the cluster band gap. With the present basis, the band gap in the 297-atom cluster without any impurities is 3.51 eV. The scaling factor is then 0.33 and the resulting estimates for the levels are given in Table 1.

The deep acceptor level at tex2html_wrap_inline490  eV compares well with the experimental value of 0.54 eV. The donor level at tex2html_wrap_inline492 eV is deeper than than the experimental value of 0.35 eV. A second acceptor level lay at tex2html_wrap_inline494  eV. There is no evidence for this shallow level and it presumably lies above the conduction band minimum. The sum of the (0/+) and (-/0) levels is 1.08 eV which is almost equal to the energy gap 1.16 eV, whereas the experimental sum is 0.89 eV. The latter differs from the gap because of the Hubbard U term. It is clearly a failing of the present theory to account for this term properly.

Table: Comparison between experimental [10, 11] and calculated energy levels tex2html_wrap_inline344 for the gold centre and Au-H complex (G complex).

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Antonio Resende
Tue Feb 24 13:21:56 GMT 1998