Module Description

PHY2030 Observing the Universe


Code: PHY2030
Level: 2
Title: Observing the Universe
InstructorsDr C.M. Brunt
CATS Credit Value: 15
ECTS Credit Value: 7.5
Pre-requisites: N/A
Co-requisites: N/A
Availability: unrestricted
Background Assumed: -

Total Student Study Time

150 hours, to include: 20×1-hour lectures; 2×1-hour problems classes; 44 hours directed self-study; 84 hours private study.


In this module students will gain a basic knowledge of the universe and its contents, and good understanding of astrophysical measurement. As such it is crucial for the astrophysics project work, and when combined with the detailed understanding of stars, galaxies and cosmology obtained from the subsequent modules, PHY3063, PHY3066 and PHYM006, will provide a well-balanced grounding in astrophysics.

The specific aims of the module are to impart: a basic knowledge of the hierarchy of objects in the universe, including their structural and evolutionary relationship to each other; an understanding the underlying principles of key instrumentation used for observational astrophysics; an understanding of how we can obtain structural information and physical parameters from distant, often unresolved, objects.

Intended Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  1. Module Specific Skills:
    1. describe the scale of various structure in the universe and explain how astrophysicists arrive at these measurements;
    2. calculate the distances to various objects given suitable data;
    3. quantitatively describe the basic functioning of the optical/UV/IR telescope and spectrograph, and radio interferometer;
    4. calculate the signal-to-noise expected in various astronomical observing scenarios;
    5. use observational data to calculate masses and radii of stars;
    6. discuss the basic evolution of galaxies;
    7. quantitatively describe the concepts of expanding space-time and cosmological redshift;
    8. discuss the role of critical density in determining the type of universe we live in, and its evolution, and describe the predictions of current theories concerning evolution of the early universe.
  2. Discipline Specific Skills:
    1. solve mathematical problems.
  3. Personal Transferable Skills:
    1. develop self-study skills;
    2. work to deadlines.

Learning / Teaching Methods

Lectures, e-Learning resources (ELE PHY2030), and problems classes.

Assessment and Assignments

ContributionAssessment/AssignmentSize (duration/length)When
100%Final examination120 minutesTerm 3
FormativeGuided self-study5×6-hour packagesFortnightly
FormativeProblem Sets4×4hrsFortnightly

Syllabus Plan and Content

  1. Introduction
    1. Brief historical survey
    2. Gauging the cosmos
      astronomical objects; solar system, stars, galaxies; typical dimensions and distances; structure and dimensions of our galaxy; structure of the Universe; age of the Universe and the Earth; coordinate Systems
    3. Distance measurement 1
      Outline of big bang-model; parallax method; moving-cluster method
    4. Distance measurement 2
      Statistical-parallax method; apparent and absolute luminosity; distance modulus; spectroscopic method (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram)
    5. The expanding Universe
      Cepheid variables; distance of galaxies using standard candles; Tully-Fisher relation for clusters of galaxies; Hubble's law and age of the Universe; look-back time
    6. Astronomical measurements; windows in the Earth's atmosphere; telescopes and detectors; astrometry, photometry, spectroscopy; noise
  2. Topics in Stellar and Galactic Evolution
    1. Outline of stellar evolution
      Star Formation; importance of mass for lifetimes, luminosities and end points; white dwarfs, electron degeneracy pressure; supernovae, neutron stars, pulsars, black holes
    2. Measuring stellar masses
      Orbits; the observed mass function, brown dwarfs, extra-solar planets
    3. Measuring stellar radii
      Direct methods; visual binaries; spectroscopic binaries
    4. Brief introduction to Galaxies
      Galaxy types; rotation curves, missing mass and spiral arms; quasars; clusters
  3. Cosmological Topics
    1. Expansion of the Universe
      Cosmological principle; co-moving objects; cosmic scaling factor, co-moving coordinates
    2. Recession velocity
      Velocity-distance relation; expansion and the velocity-distance law; Hubble sphere, cosmic horizon, observable universe; Hubble period, age of universe; deceleration
    3. Redshifts
      Doppler redshift; gravitational redshift; expansion redshift; multiple redshifts
    4. Evolution of the Universe
      Radiation-dominated era; matter-dominated era; 3 K cosmic background, anomalies; critical density; early universe
    5. Types of universe
      Expanding cosmic ball; flat universes; curved universes; steady-state universe; Einstein-de Sitter universe

Core Text

Not applicable

Supplementary Text(s)

Harrison E.R. (1981), Cosmology: the Science of the Universe, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-22981-2 (UL: 523.1 HAR/X)
Smith R.C. (1995), Observational Astrophysics, CUP, ISBN 0-521-27834-1 (UL: On order)

IOP Accreditation Compliance Checklist

Formative Mechanisms

Students monitor their own progress by attempting the problems set which will be discussed in class. Students who need additional guidance are encouraged to discuss the matter with the lecturer.

Evaluation Mechanisms

The module will be evaluated using information gathered via the student representation mechanisms, the staff peer appraisal scheme, and measures of student attainment based on summative assessment.

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