PHY1028 IT and Electronics Skills 2015-16
Dr F.Y. Ogrin, Dr A. Usher and ADC
Delivery Weeks: T1:01-05,07-12, T2:06-11
Level: 4 (NQF)
Credits: 15 NICATS / 7.5 ECTS
Enrolment: 116 students (approx)


This module is practically based with comprehensive work sheets for each session and demonstrators available to answer any queries that may arise. Students are encouraged to work at their own speed depending on their previous experience. Students with no prior experience will need to spend more time than their more experienced counterparts outside the class sessions to complete the assignments contained in the work sheets.

Students first learn to produce high-quality typeset reports using LaTeX and a stylesheet. This is followed by an introduction to the GNU Octave numerical mathematics package. The Octave language is essentially the same as the MATLAB™ language which is widely used in commercial and research environments for numerical modelling. The final part introduces the basic areas of digital electronics, as they might be encountered in physics instrumentation, etc., and to provide the necessary theoretical background to carry out experimental investigations. A small amount of analogue electronics is also covered, this being included for the benefit of those students who will choose to do no further electronics modules. The skills developed in this module will be applied and developed throughout the programme.

Module Aims

Every physicist must be able to analyse data, evaluate theoretical models, and present their work in the form of a technical report. They must also be able to perform investigations, such as experiments, and solve the problems they encounter in a systematic and logical manner.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

A student who has passed this module should be able to:

Syllabus Plan

Part A: IT Skills

  1. Introduction
    1. Use of the Exeter Learning Environment.
    2. The Apple Macintosh
      1. Graphical User Interface
      2. using the Mac OS X system
    3. Network home directories and the file-server
      1. understanding the local file-server.
  2. LaTex
    1. Using LaTeX to create a simple document
      1. Text
      2. Equations
      3. Tables
      4. Figures
    2. Using a stylesheet to produce high-quality experiment reports
    3. Use of Octave with a template for plotting, linear regression analysis, statistical analysis, error bars
  3. Octave
    1. Introduction
      Range of applications, platform and implementation specific differences, relationship of Octave to MATLAB.
    2. Fundamentals
      User interface, definitions, data structure, commands and functions, matrix operations, 'help' system.
    3. Input/Output and analysis
      Creating files and loading data, working with data, basic plotting, saving workspace ('*.mat' files).
    4. Numerical integration
      Using numerical methods for calculation of integrals
    5. Fitting
      The least-squares criterion, fitting polynomial and exponential functions, 'polyfit' and 'polyval', fitting data with a linear function, extracting polynomial coefficients, plotting the fitting function, errors.
    6. Programming
      Scripts and functions, creating and executing '*.m' files, basic programming: using 'for' and 'while' loops, conditional statements 'if', 3-D graphics.

Part B: Electronics

  1. Combinational Logic
    NAND and NOR gates; truth tables; combination of gates to implement logic functions.
  2. Sequential Logic
    R-S flip-flops; J-K flip flops and simple control circuits; binary counters; shift registers.
  3. Memory chips
    Input and output of data; use of addresses.
  4. Microprocessors
    Basic operation; I/O and simple control situations; D/A and A/D on input/output data bus
  5. D to A and A to D Conversion
    Operation of DAC; use of DAC to make ADC; sampling rates, conversion times, aliasing and the Nyquist Theorem
  6. Analogue Electronics
    1. Simple amplifier circuits based on op-amps; gain, bandwidth, input impedance, output impedance, signal/noise ratio.
    2. Filters: description in terms of frequency response.
    3. Comparators.

Learning and Teaching

Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Description Study time KIS type
11×2-hour computer laboratory sessions (IT) 22 hours SLT
12×3-hour practical laboratory sessions (electronics) 36 hours SLT
11×2-hour IT Skills homework 22 hours GIS
5×1-hour Electronics homework exercises 5 hours GIS
Reading, private study and revision 65 hours GIS


Weight Form Size When ILOS assessed Feedback
10% Mid-Term IT Skills Test 1 90 mins Week T1:09 1, 3, 6, 7 Written and verbal
10% Mid-Term IT Skills Test 2 90 mins Week T1:12 1, 3, 6, 7 Written and verbal
30% 11 × IT Skills assignments 2 hours in class + 2 hours homework each Weekly T1:01-05,07-12 1, 3, 6, 7 Written and verbal
30% Written reports on electronics experiments Contemporaneous with experiments Weekly T2:06-11 2, 4, 5, 7 Written and verbal
20% Electronics problems sheets 5×1 hour Weekly T2:06-10 2, 7 Written and verbal

Notes: Electronics homework exercises must be handed in at the start of the class in order to receive a non-zero mark.


The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of information that students are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Instructor(s).

Core text:

Supplementary texts:


Further Information

Prior Knowledge Requirements

Pre-requisite Modules none
Co-requisite Modules Waves and Optics (PHY1023)


Re-assessment is not available except when required by referral or deferral.

Original form of assessment Form of re-assessment ILOs re-assessed Time scale for re-assessment

Notes: Re-assessment is not available for this module.

KIS Data Summary

Learning activities and teaching methods
SLT - scheduled learning & teaching activities 58 hrs
GIS - guided independent study 92 hrs
PLS - placement/study abroad 0 hrs
Total 150 hrs
Summative assessment
Coursework 80%
Written exams 0%
Practical exams 20%
Total 100%


IoP Accreditation Checklist
  • XX-01 Experimental work in a practical laboratory
  • XX-02 IT Skills
Availability unrestricted
Distance learning NO
Keywords Physics; Analogue electronics; Digital electronics; LaTeX; Octave; Op-Amps.
Created 01-Oct-10
Revised N/A