PHY3150 Applying Physics (Group Project) 2014-15
Dr C.D.H. Williams
Delivery Weeks: T2:01-11
Level: 6 (NQF)
Credits: 15 NICATS / 7.5 ECTS
Enrolment: 5 students (approx)


Each student will work as part a self-managing team of 4-8 investigate and solve real problems proposed by 'clients' (normally local industrial companies). At the conclusion of the module the group will collectively produce a report and make a presentation to the client. Each project will be allocated an academic staff 'consultant' whose role is to monitor the project and to give the team feedback about their performance and strategic advice when necessary. Feedback from the client company will contribute to the final assessment.

Module Aims

The dual aims of this module are to promote stronger links between universities and employers and to match graduates' skills with employers' needs. This will help students gain valuable skills and experience. As well as gaining an insight into how they could be employed once they have graduated, they learn about working in a team, adhering to a budget and timeline, and how to report to an industrial contact.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

A student who has passed this module should be able to:

Syllabus Plan


Term 1 Variant Term 2 Variant Activity
Week T1:00 Week T2:00 Projects allocated
Week T1:01 Week T2:01 Initial team meeting (Monday)
Week T1:01/02 Week T2:01/02 Meeting with client
Week T1:03 Week T2:03 Individual notebook assessment 1
Week T1:05 Week T2:05 Half-way review meeting with client
Week T1:07 Week T2:07 Individual notebook assessment 2
Week T1:09 Week T2:09 Discussion of plan for report
Week T1:11 Week T2:11 Formal Report deadline (Monday)
Week T1:11 Week T2:11 Presentation to client (Friday)

The module leader has discretion to make minor variations to the schedule in order to match the availability of the client company's staff, etc..

Further information is given in the BSc Final Year Group Projects section of the Physics handbook.

Learning and Teaching

Learning Activities and Teaching Methods

Description Study time KIS type
22×3-hour laboratory sessions 66 hours SLT
11×2-hour laboratory sessions 22 hours SLT
11×1-hour group meetings 11 hours SLT
Reading and private study 51 hours GIS


Weight Form Size When ILOS assessed Feedback
0% Discussions with demonstrator or consultant 1-hour weekly Weeks T1:01-11 or T2:01-11 1-15 Verbal
15% Notebook assessment 1 15 minutes Week T1:03 or T2:03 1-9,11,12,14 Written and verbal
15% Notebook assessment 2 15 minutes Week T1:07 or T2:07 1-9,11,12,14 Written and verbal
50% Group formal report (Ngroup+1)×750-words Week T1:11 or T2:11 1-9,11-15 Written and verbal
20% Group presentation to client 30 minutes Week T1:11 or T2:11 1-12,14 Written and verbal

Notes:  Refer to the detailed description of the BSc Final Year Group Projects assessment criteria in the Physics Handbook.


The following list is offered as an indication of the type & level of information that students are expected to consult. Further guidance will be provided by the Module Instructor(s).

Core text:

Supplementary texts:


Further Information

Prior Knowledge Requirements

Pre-requisite Modules Practical Physics II (PHY2026) and One-Semester Physics Project and Report (PHY3147)
Co-requisite Modules none


Re-assessment is not available except when required by referral or deferral.

Original form of assessment Form of re-assessment ILOs re-assessed Time scale for re-assessment

Notes: Re-assessment is not available for this module.

KIS Data Summary

Learning activities and teaching methods
SLT - scheduled learning & teaching activities 99 hrs
GIS - guided independent study 51 hrs
PLS - placement/study abroad 0 hrs
Total 150 hrs
Summative assessment
Coursework 50%
Written exams 0%
Practical exams 50%
Total 100%


Availability Physics BSc programmes only
Distance learning NO
Keywords Physics; Project; Team work; Industry; Group assessment; Project management; Budget control; Safety.
Created 01-Oct-11
Revised N/A